Custom Map #3914: Inside - Out. By: BermanPost

Started by AutoPost, September 02, 2016, 01:12:37 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3914: Inside - Out

Author: BermanPost
Size: 200x200

EXPERT ONLY As the name says, you are forced to work from the inside out.


Wow! After I missed the spores on the first quickly failed attempt I managed to slog my way through.

Not the most efficient playthrough at 4+ hours. :)

But it was fun to see my strategies work, once I found out what to do each step. The last cleanup was almost disappointingly easy, but then again, cleanup should be fast.


Just catching up on some of your maps, this is my favourite to date, great Guppie challenge!

Johnny Haywire

Decided to hit a few maps that said, "expert" - dunno if you're still around, but this is a really cool map! I loved storming the middle  ;D

Thanks for the map!
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