Custom Map #3899: Nano Landscape 7. By: Flash1255

Started by AutoPost, August 30, 2016, 02:51:06 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3899: Nano Landscape 7

Author: Flash1255
Size: 32x21

There's a way to cheese this map that I used to get my time. If you want the challenge, take the obvious route. Flash's Official Touhou Difficulty Rating*: + (Easy) If you take the challenge on: ++++ (Lunatic) *Still not official...


Now that I think about it, giving that challenge the title of Lunatic difficulty might be a small but clear understatement.
Let's just add one more + to that and make it Extra (°∀°)b
Considering how many turns my life has taken (good and bad), I'm still fairly neutral to it all. I take the hits, I don't react overly.

Loren Pechtel

Utterly stumped here, I can't beat it either way.  I suppose the cheese has something to do with the lag in the emitter coming online, I'm maybe 2 seconds slow on frying it before it activates.