Custom Map #3773: map 123 BRAIN PUZZLE. By: yum234

Started by AutoPost, July 13, 2016, 07:15:18 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3773: map 123 BRAIN PUZZLE

Author: yum234
Size: 190x100



RrR, Thank You for playing and score!  :)
How it was?  ;)
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now

Loren Pechtel

Tricky to keep from blowing yourself up on all the creeper stored in the digitalis.


Quote from: Loren Pechtel on July 13, 2016, 11:54:44 AM
Tricky to keep from blowing yourself up on all the creeper stored in the digitalis.

It is best to feed digitals by Anti-Creeper.  :)
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


Challenging. It is a map where an early offense reaps rewards (and generates an energy deficit).

I am sure that Alter-old could knock three minutes off my time


Quote from: RrR on July 13, 2016, 01:27:33 PM

I am sure that Alter-old could knock three minutes off my time

DOmOnik came faster!  ;)
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


I think 3 to 4 mins for Alter and EA. I nearly took out all the emitters in 3.5 mins but got forgot to turn off the totem near the SE emitter and my guppy had to reload, by the time it game back it was crawling with runners. 4 mins def possible but you will need luck with the runners across the map.

The centre can be taken by a quick guppy and PZs are great for power and for connecting all three bases with relays


First time around I waited too long and had gazillion runners. After a restart I took ALL emitters quickly, then just a crawl to mop up through all exploded runners.


Just wondering what kind of tatics you guys used. I'm seeing winning times of 3 or 6 min and I'm on almost an hour lol.


First I took out the only emitter that requires you to stand on creeper - rest should follow, just bunch of guppies + nullifiers and wait till packets go through. It also helps to get first nullifier to center of the map, you take out 6 enemies with 2 nullifiers and get 3 PZs.


Quote from: apocalipsus on July 14, 2016, 04:21:58 AM
Just wondering what kind of tatics you guys used. I'm seeing winning times of 3 or 6 min and I'm on almost an hour lol.

3 or 6 min possible if You use Guppi, but even in this case that time it is not so easy. At least for me.  :-[
I maybe create one more similar map (version 2.0) with some difficulties for players who like use Guppi.
Initially map was created so that central part possible attackwithout Guppi. 
(land CN)
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


Land 3 CNs and take the energy deposits.
Immediatly pause and then build 3 guppies (one at bottom left or bottom right CN and two at right) and place and connect all nulifiers for the emitters and connect all energy deposits. Build a forge.
1 Guppy goes to the centre and takes out the centre emitter, follow closely behind by a cannon form bottom left CN to clean up. Then add one relay to connect all bases and use two PZs for reactors, all energy problems solved and should be done by the time last energy runs out.
1 guppy goes far right and takes out 3 spores.
1 guppy goes bottom right and takes out last emitter and nest, disable totema nd build two collectors to distract runners.
Clean up and take out last spores/nests. Foe super quick perhaps use more guppies. I used relays on PZs on the far right but this was not fast.

This was for a 6 min time, I suspect Alter used more guppies and less units for the clean up. You also need a little luck for the guppy bottom right as runners can be cruel, you want the guppy to take it in one visit and with minimum delay.


Quote from: D0m0nik on July 14, 2016, 12:24:30 PM
Land 3 CNs and take the energy deposits.
Immediatly pause and then build 3 guppies (one at bottom left or bottom right CN and two at right) and place and connect all nulifiers for the emitters and connect all energy deposits. Build a forge.
1 Guppy goes to the centre and takes out the centre emitter, follow closely behind by a cannon form bottom left CN to clean up. Then add one relay to connect all bases and use two PZs for reactors, all energy problems solved and should be done by the time last energy runs out.
1 guppy goes far right and takes out 3 spores.
1 guppy goes bottom right and takes out last emitter and nest, disable totema nd build two collectors to distract runners.
Clean up and take out last spores/nests. Foe super quick perhaps use more guppies. I used relays on PZs on the far right but this was not fast.

This was for a 6 min time, I suspect Alter used more guppies and less units for the clean up. You also need a little luck for the guppy bottom right as runners can be cruel, you want the guppy to take it in one visit and with minimum delay.

Very interesting what will be Your tactic without guppies?  ;)
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now



1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now