Custom Map #3601: Particles #5. By: Tardis73

Started by AutoPost, May 30, 2016, 03:37:28 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3601: Particles #5

Author: Tardis73
Size: 112x49

New adventure with particles! #spores around emitter #particles #limited tech #ac assist #puzzle


huh, i still cant take the red tower down. i just cant hit it enough with the power zoned, beam. ty
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Quote from: PMouser on May 30, 2016, 10:40:22 AM
huh, i still cant take the red tower down. i just cant hit it enough with the power zoned, beam. ty

There is a trick for that!

Disarm the beam on the pz until it is full of ammo, arm it, and it will do some damage.
Repeat ~20 times.
The brain is complicated. Use it or lose it.


Or juggle a few beams and keep swithing them on the PZ.

Very frustrating having to wait for fully upgraded range, the base is ready in two mins and then have to wait another 10 before you can attack. Makes for a boring map.


It's kind of stupid how it's just out of reach for a beam on the PZ in use.