Custom Map #3243: Heavy. By: Flesteaf

Started by AutoPost, March 05, 2016, 08:56:44 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3243: Heavy

Author: Flesteaf
Size: 200x256

Small try


Liked the map, fairly easy though, if you grab second CN fast.


My time of 7:41 is actually rather slow, I thought I needed the Thor and waited for it to build before attacking. Didn't really need it.

I collected one CN, bertha and thor techs before doing anything else. Then landed one on the undefended spore island and freed up all the PZs. I then had two completely unchallenged bases with loads of aether and loads of PZs and no spore threat. Not sure if this was intended to be easy but leaving the spore island free of creeper early on is a mistake in my opinion. As usual any map with a boss emitter is just asking for a quick win as well.