Particle Game Mode

Started by GameGibu, February 09, 2016, 05:37:29 PM

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Want to add this to your maps? The guide is right here. It's almost literally plug-in-and-play!

The latest version should be listed below.
Current Version: 1.1.0

Changelogs are here:


  • Added Particles
  • Added Particle Emitters
  • Added Attractive forces between particles using a gravitational model
  • Added Repulsive forces between particles using an elastic model
  • Removed Herobrine



# Particle.crpl
# Created: 2016.02.04 at 17:02:30 by GameGibu
# Version 1.0.0
# ------------------------------------------


CurrentPixelCoords asfloat ->RealY asfloat ->RealX
SetCurrentCoords(<-RealX asint <-RealY asint PixelToCell)
SetImagePosition(Self "main" <-RealX asint CurrentPixelCoords pop 1 sub sub <-RealY asint CurrentPixelCoords swap pop sub 1.0)
SetTargetOffsetX(<-RealX asint CurrentPixelCoords pop 1 sub sub)
SetTargetOffsetY(<-RealY asint CurrentPixelCoords swap pop sub)
0 ->myRealTime
0 ->myTime
0 ->IsEmitter
1 ->IsParticle
" ->newline
1.0 ->UGC
0.1 ->Ks
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_TAKEMAPSPACE 0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_CELLWIDTH 1)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_CELLHEIGHT 1)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_CREATEPZ 0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_BEAMTARGET 1)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_MAXHEALTH 0.5)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_HEALTH 0.5)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_HEALRATE 0.0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_SHOWHEALTHBAR 0)
SetImage(Self "main" <-ImageSlot)
SetImageScale(Self "main" 0.75 0.75)

#SetPopupText(CurrentPixelCoords " " swap concat concat concat(<-newline) concat(CurrentX) concat(" ") concat(CurrentY) concat(<-newline) concat("Mass: ") concat(<-Mass))

<-myRealTime add(1) ->myRealTime
   <-myTime add(1) ->myTime
   SetImage(Self "main" <-ImageSlot)
   SetImageScale(Self "main" 0.75 0.75)
if(IsPaused and(IsEditMode))
      destroy(Self 0)

   if(<-bui_LIM 1 lt)
      0 ->bui_ILOOP
      CreateList ->bui_LIST
      while <-bui_ILOOP <-bui_LIM lt repeat
         AppendToList(<-bui_LIST <-unit)
         <-bui_ILOOP add(1) ->bui_ILOOP

   CreateList ->cre_LIST
   AppendToList(<-cre_LIST <-cre_MAGNITUDE)
   AppendToList(<-cre_LIST <-cre_ANGLE)

   GetListElement(<-sum_V0 0) GetListElement(<-sum_V0 1) cos mul GetListElement(<-sum_V1 0) GetListElement(<-sum_V1 1) cos mul add ->sum_X
   GetListElement(<-sum_V0 0) GetListElement(<-sum_V0 1) sin mul GetListElement(<-sum_V1 0) GetListElement(<-sum_V1 1) sin mul add ->sum_Y
   sqrt(<-sum_X <-sum_X mul <-sum_Y <-sum_Y mul add) ->sum_MAG
   atan2(<-sum_Y <-sum_X) ->sum_ANG
   @createVector(<-sum_MAG <-sum_ANG)

   Trace(Self concat(":")) Trace("XVel: " concat(<-XVel) concat(", YVel: ") concat(<-YVel) concat(", Mass: ") concat(<-Mass))
   <-RealX <-XVel add ->RealX
   <-RealY <-YVel add ->RealY
   SetCurrentCoords(<-RealX asint <-RealY asint PixelToCell)
   SetImagePosition(Self "main" <-RealX asint CurrentPixelCoords pop 1 sub sub <-RealY asint CurrentPixelCoords swap pop sub 1.0)
   SetTargetOffsetX(<-RealX asint CurrentPixelCoords pop 1 sub sub)
   SetTargetOffsetY(<-RealY asint CurrentPixelCoords swap pop sub)
   if(<-RealX 0.0 lte or(<-RealX MapWidth MapHeight add(1) CellToPixel pop gte)) <-XVel mul(-1.0) ->XVel endif
   if(<-RealY 0.0 lte or(<-RealY MapWidth 0 CellToPixel swap pop gte)) <-YVel mul(-1.0) ->YVel endif
   if(GetVoid(CurrentCoords) not) AddCreeper(CurrentCoords <-PayLoad) destroy(Self 0) endif
   if(<-myTime mod(15) eq0 and(GetEnemyUnitsInRange(CurrentCoords 2) @buildList GetListCount Trace(dup) gte(5)) or(GetEnemyUnitsInRange(CurrentCoords 2) @buildList GetListCount gte(1)) or(<-myTime mod(30) eq0))
      @createVector(0.0 0.0) ->totalForce
      GetCoresWithVar("IsParticle" "1") @buildList ->particles
      0 ->run_I
      while <-run_I GetListCount(<-particles) lt repeat
         GetListElement(<-particles <-run_I) ->unit
         if(not(<-unit Self eq))
            GetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "RealX") sub(<-RealX) ->OffsetX
            GetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "RealY") sub(<-RealY) ->OffsetY
            GetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "Mass") asfloat <-M2
            sqrt(<-OffsetX dup mul <-OffsetY dup mul add) ->dist Trace("dist to " concat(<-unit) concat(": ") concat(<-dist))
            atan2(<-OffsetY <-OffsetX) ->angle Trace("angle to " concat(<-unit) concat(": ") concat(<-angle))
            #@createVector(<-UGC mul(<-Mass asfloat mul(<-M2 asfloat)) div(<-dist asfloat dup mul) <-angle) ->GravForce Trace("GravForce: " <-GravForce concat concat(<-newline) concat("Current totalForce: " <-totalForce concat))
            @createVector(<-UGC div(<-dist asfloat dup mul) <-angle) ->GravForce Trace("GravForce: " <-GravForce concat concat(<-newline) concat("Current totalForce: " <-totalForce concat))
            @sumvectors(<-totalForce <-GravForce) ->totalForce
            if(<-dist 6.0 lt)
               @sumVectors(<-totalForce @createvector(<-Ks mul(-6.0 add(<-dist)) <-angle)) ->totalForce
         <-run_I add(1) ->run_I
      Trace("totalForce: " concat(<-totalForce))
      GetListElement(<-totalForce 0) ->magnitude
      GetListElement(<-totalForce 1) ->angle
      sin(<-angle) mul(<-magnitude) div(<-Mass asfloat) ->YAccel
      cos(<-angle) mul(<-magnitude) div(<-Mass asfloat) ->XAccel
      <-XVel add(<-XAccel) ->XVel
      <-YVel add(<-YAccel) ->YVel
      if(sqrt(<-XVel dup mul <-YVel dup mul add) gt(8.0)) @createVector(8.0 atan2(<-YVel <-XVel)) ->modifyVel GetListElement(<-modifyVel 1) dup sin <-YVel mul ->YVel cos <-XVel mul ->XVel endif
      if(<-RealX -20.0 lte or(<-RealX MapWidth MapHeight add(1) CellToPixel pop add(20.0) gte)) destroy(Self 0) endif
      if(<-RealY -20.0 lte or(<-RealY MapWidth 0 CellToPixel swap pop add(20.0) gte)) destroy(Self 0) endif



# ParticleEmitter.crpl
# Created: 2016.01.25 at 19:27:39 by GameGibu
# Version 1.0.0
# ------------------------------------------


if(<-Emit_Amt 1 lt) 1 ->Emit_Amt endif
if(<-Emit_MinVel lt(0.125)) 0.125 ->Emit_MinVel endif
if(<-Emit_MinMass lt(1)) 1 ->Emit_MinMass endif
if(<-Emit_MaxVel lt(<-Emit_MinVel)) <-Emit_MinVel ->Emit_MaxVel endif
if(<-Emit_MaxMass lt(<-Emit_MinMass)) <-Emit_MinMass ->Emit_MaxMass endif
0 ->myTime
0 ->myRealTime
1 ->IsEmitter
0 ->IsParticle
CreateList ->Particles
SetImage(Self "main" <-EmitterImageSlot)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_CREATEPZ 0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_BEAMTARGET 1)
" ->newline

#SetText("MousePixel: x=" GetMousePosition ", y=" swap concat concat concat concat(<-newline) concat("MouseCell: x=") GetMouseCell ", y=" swap concat concat concat)

<-myRealTime add(1) ->myRealTime
      SetPopupText("Press Alpha1 to remove all particles. Only works in edit mode. (Sorry!)")
      SetPopupText("Amt: " concat(<-Emit_Amt) concat(<-newline) concat("Interval: ") concat(<-Emit_Interval asfloat 30.0 div 1 round) concat("s"))
   SetPopupText("Amt: " concat(<-Emit_Amt) concat(<-newline) concat("Interval: ") concat(<-Emit_Interval asfloat 30.0 div 1 round) concat("s"))

<-myTime add(1) ->myTime

   SetImage(Self "main" <-EmitterImageSlot)

   Trace("@intersect, Args:") TraceStack
   CreateList ->int_LIST
   GetListCount(<-L0) ->int_LIM0
   GetListCount(<-L1) ->int_LIM1
   0 ->int_ILOOP
   0 ->int_JLOOP
   while <-int_ILOOP <-int_LIM0 lt repeat
      while <-int_JLOOP <-int_LIM1 lt repeat
         if(GetListElement(<-L0 <-int_ILOOP) GetListElement(<-L1 <-int_JLOOP) eq)
            AppendToList(<-int_LIST GetListElement(<-L0 <-int_ILOOP))
         <-int_JLOOP add(1) ->int_JLOOP
      0 ->int_JLOOP
      <-int_ILOOP add(1) ->int_ILOOP
   Trace("int_LIST: " concat(<-int_LIST))

   if(<-bui_LIM 1 lt)
      0 ->bui_ILOOP
      CreateList ->bui_LIST
      while <-bui_ILOOP <-bui_LIM lt repeat
         AppendToList(<-bui_LIST <-unit)
         <-bui_ILOOP add(1) ->bui_ILOOP

   0 ->mer_I
   0 ->mer_J
   0 ->mer_RESET
   while <-mer_I GetListCount(<-mer_L1) lt repeat
      while <-mer_J GetListCount(<-mer_L0) lt repeat
         if(GetListElement(<-mer_L1 <-mer_I) GetListElement(<-mer_L0 <-mer_J) eq)
            0 ->mer_J
            1 ->mer_RESET
         <-mer_J add(1) ->mer_J
      if(not(<-mer_RESET)) AppendToList(<-mer_L0 GetListElement(<-mer_L1 <-mer_I)) endif
      0 ->mer_RESET
      0 ->mer_J
      <-mer_I add(1) ->mer_I

   0 ->pur_I
   while <-pur_I GetListCount(<-pur_LIST) lt repeat
      if(GetListElement(<-pur_LIST <-pur_I) <-pur_KEY eq)
         RemoveListElement(<-pur_LIST <-pur_I)
      <-pur_I add(1) ->pur_I

   0 ->spa_I
   while <-spa_I <-spa_LIM lt repeat
      CreateUnit("CRPLCore" CurrentCoords) ->unit
      AddScriptToUnit(<-unit "Particle.crpl")
      RandFloat mul(<-Emit_MaxVel sub(<-Emit_MinVel)) add(<-Emit_MinVel) ->newVel
      RandFloat 2 PI mul mul PI sub <-newVel swap dup2 cos mul ->newXVel sin mul ->newYVel
      #RandFloat mul(<-Emit_MaxVel sub(<-Emit_MinVel)) add(<-Emit_MinVel) mul(RandInt(0 2) mul(2) sub(1)) ->newXVel
      #RandFloat mul(<-Emit_MaxVel sub(<-Emit_MinVel)) add(<-Emit_MinVel) mul(RandInt(0 2) mul(2) sub(1)) ->newYVel
      SetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "XVel" <-newXVel)
      SetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "YVel" <-newYVel)
      SetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "Mass" RandInt(<-Emit_MinMass <-Emit_MaxMass add(1)))
      SetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "ImageSlot" <-ParticleImageSlot)
      SetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "PayLoad" <-Emit_Payload)
      <-spa_I add(1) ->spa_I

   if(<-myTime <-StartDelay gte)
      if(<-myTime mod(<-Emit_Interval) eq0)



  • Decreased Lag
  • Improved performance with higher particle Count
  • Fixed emitters dying from beams really fast
  • reverse-implemented Herobrine
  • Removed Herobrine


# Particle.crpl
# Created: 2016.02.04 at 17:02:30 by GameGibu
# Version 1.1.0
# ------------------------------------------

if(not(IsPaused)) ClearTraceLog endif

CurrentPixelCoords asfloat ->RealY asfloat ->RealX
SetCurrentCoords(<-RealX asint <-RealY asint PixelToCell)
SetImagePosition(Self "main" <-RealX asint CurrentPixelCoords pop 1 sub sub <-RealY asint CurrentPixelCoords swap pop sub 1.0)
SetTargetOffsetX(<-RealX asint CurrentPixelCoords pop 1 sub sub)
SetTargetOffsetY(<-RealY asint CurrentPixelCoords swap pop sub)
0 ->myRealTime
0 ->myTime
0 ->IsEmitter
1 ->IsParticle
" ->newline
1.0 ->UGC
0.1 ->Ks
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_TAKEMAPSPACE 0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_CELLWIDTH 1)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_CELLHEIGHT 1)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_CREATEPZ 0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_BEAMTARGET 1)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_MAXHEALTH 0.25)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_HEALTH 0.25)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_HEALRATE 0.0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_SHOWHEALTHBAR 0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_DESTROYMODE 1)
SetImage(Self "main" <-ImageSlot)
SetImageScale(Self "main" 0.75 0.75)

#SetPopupText(CurrentPixelCoords " " swap concat concat concat(<-newline) concat(CurrentX) concat(" ") concat(CurrentY) concat(<-newline) concat("Mass: ") concat(<-Mass))

<-myRealTime add(1) ->myRealTime
   <-myTime add(1) ->myTime
   SetImage(Self "main" <-ImageSlot)
   SetImageScale(Self "main" 0.75 0.75)
if(IsPaused and(IsEditMode))
      destroy(Self 0)


   if(<-bui_LIM 1 lt)
      0 ->bui_ILOOP
      CreateList ->bui_LIST
      while <-bui_ILOOP <-bui_LIM lt repeat
         AppendToList(<-bui_LIST <-unit)
         <-bui_ILOOP add(1) ->bui_ILOOP

   CreateList ->cre_LIST
   AppendToList(<-cre_LIST <-cre_MAGNITUDE)
   AppendToList(<-cre_LIST <-cre_ANGLE)

   GetListElement(<-sum_V0 0) GetListElement(<-sum_V0 1) cos mul GetListElement(<-sum_V1 0) GetListElement(<-sum_V1 1) cos mul add ->sum_X
   GetListElement(<-sum_V0 0) GetListElement(<-sum_V0 1) sin mul GetListElement(<-sum_V1 0) GetListElement(<-sum_V1 1) sin mul add ->sum_Y
   sqrt(<-sum_X <-sum_X mul <-sum_Y <-sum_Y mul add) ->sum_MAG
   atan2(<-sum_Y <-sum_X) ->sum_ANG
   @createVector(<-sum_MAG <-sum_ANG)

   Trace(Self concat(":")) Trace("XVel: " concat(<-XVel) concat(", YVel: ") concat(<-YVel) concat(", Mass: ") concat(<-Mass))
   <-RealX <-XVel add ->RealX
   <-RealY <-YVel add ->RealY
   SetCurrentCoords(<-RealX asint <-RealY asint PixelToCell)
   SetImagePosition(Self "main" <-RealX asint CurrentPixelCoords pop 1 sub sub <-RealY asint CurrentPixelCoords swap pop sub 1.0)
   SetTargetOffsetX(<-RealX asint CurrentPixelCoords pop 1 sub sub)
   SetTargetOffsetY(<-RealY asint CurrentPixelCoords swap pop sub)
   if(<-RealX 0.0 lte or(<-RealX MapWidth MapHeight add(1) CellToPixel pop gte)) <-XVel mul(-1.0) ->XVel endif
   if(<-RealY 0.0 lte or(<-RealY MapWidth 0 CellToPixel swap pop gte)) <-YVel mul(-1.0) ->YVel endif
   if(GetVoid(CurrentCoords) not) AddCreeper(CurrentCoords <-PayLoad) destroy(Self 0) endif
   if(GetEnemyUnitsInRange(CurrentCoords 5) @buildList ->list <-list GetListCount gte(2))
      @createVector(0.0 0.0) ->totalForce
      0 ->run_I
      while <-run_I GetListCount(<-list) lt repeat
         GetListElement(<-list <-run_I) ->unit
         if(<-unit GetUnitType "CRPLCORE" eq)
            if(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "IsParticle" GetScriptVar 1 eq)
               if(not(<-unit Self eq))
                  GetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "RealX") sub(<-RealX) ->OffsetX
                  GetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "RealY") sub(<-RealY) ->OffsetY
                  GetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "Mass") asfloat <-M2
                  sqrt(<-OffsetX dup mul <-OffsetY dup mul add) ->dist #Trace("dist to " concat(<-unit) concat(": ") concat(<-dist))
                  atan2(<-OffsetY <-OffsetX) ->angle #Trace("angle to " concat(<-unit) concat(": ") concat(<-angle))
                  @createVector(<-UGC div(<-dist asfloat dup mul) <-angle) ->GravForce #Trace("GravForce: " <-GravForce concat concat(<-newline) concat("Current totalForce: " <-totalForce concat))
                  @sumvectors(<-totalForce <-GravForce) ->totalForce
                  if(<-dist 6.0 lt)
                     @sumVectors(<-totalForce @createvector(<-Ks mul(-6.0 add(<-dist)) <-angle)) ->totalForce
         <-run_I 1 add ->run_I
      #Trace("totalForce: " concat(<-totalForce))
      GetListElement(<-totalForce 0) ->magnitude
      GetListElement(<-totalForce 1) ->angle
      sin(<-angle) mul(<-magnitude) div(<-Mass asfloat) ->YAccel
      cos(<-angle) mul(<-magnitude) div(<-Mass asfloat) ->XAccel
      <-XVel add(<-XAccel) ->XVel
      <-YVel add(<-YAccel) ->YVel
   if(sqrt(<-XVel dup mul <-YVel dup mul add) gt(4.0)) @createVector(4.0 atan2(<-YVel <-XVel)) ->modifyVel GetListElement(<-modifyVel 1) dup sin <-YVel mul ->YVel cos <-XVel mul ->XVel endif
   if(<-RealX -20.0 lte or(<-RealX MapWidth MapHeight add(1) CellToPixel pop add(20.0) gte)) destroy(Self 0) endif
   if(<-RealY -20.0 lte or(<-RealY MapWidth 0 CellToPixel swap pop add(20.0) gte)) destroy(Self 0) endif

   if(<-myTime mod(15) eq0 and(GetEnemyUnitsInRange(CurrentCoords 2) @buildList GetListCount Trace(dup) gte(5)) or(GetEnemyUnitsInRange(CurrentCoords 2) @buildList GetListCount gte(1)) or(<-myTime mod(30) eq0))
      @createVector(0.0 0.0) ->totalForce
      GetCoresWithVar("IsParticle" "1") @buildList ->particles
      0 ->run_I
      while <-run_I GetListCount(<-particles) lt repeat
         GetListElement(<-particles <-run_I) ->unit
         if(not(<-unit Self eq))
            GetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "RealX") sub(<-RealX) ->OffsetX
            GetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "RealY") sub(<-RealY) ->OffsetY
            GetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "Mass") asfloat <-M2
            sqrt(<-OffsetX dup mul <-OffsetY dup mul add) ->dist Trace("dist to " concat(<-unit) concat(": ") concat(<-dist))
            atan2(<-OffsetY <-OffsetX) ->angle Trace("angle to " concat(<-unit) concat(": ") concat(<-angle))
            #@createVector(<-UGC mul(<-Mass asfloat mul(<-M2 asfloat)) div(<-dist asfloat dup mul) <-angle) ->GravForce Trace("GravForce: " <-GravForce concat concat(<-newline) concat("Current totalForce: " <-totalForce concat))
            @createVector(<-UGC div(<-dist asfloat dup mul) <-angle) ->GravForce Trace("GravForce: " <-GravForce concat concat(<-newline) concat("Current totalForce: " <-totalForce concat))
            @sumvectors(<-totalForce <-GravForce) ->totalForce
            if(<-dist 6.0 lt)
               @sumVectors(<-totalForce @createvector(<-Ks mul(-6.0 add(<-dist)) <-angle)) ->totalForce
         <-run_I add(1) ->run_I
      Trace("totalForce: " concat(<-totalForce))
      GetListElement(<-totalForce 0) ->magnitude
      GetListElement(<-totalForce 1) ->angle
      sin(<-angle) mul(<-magnitude) div(<-Mass asfloat) ->YAccel
      cos(<-angle) mul(<-magnitude) div(<-Mass asfloat) ->XAccel
      <-XVel add(<-XAccel) ->XVel
      <-YVel add(<-YAccel) ->YVel
      if(sqrt(<-XVel dup mul <-YVel dup mul add) gt(8.0)) @createVector(8.0 atan2(<-YVel <-XVel)) ->modifyVel GetListElement(<-modifyVel 1) dup sin <-YVel mul ->YVel cos <-XVel mul ->XVel endif
      if(<-RealX -20.0 lte or(<-RealX MapWidth MapHeight add(1) CellToPixel pop add(20.0) gte)) destroy(Self 0) endif
      if(<-RealY -20.0 lte or(<-RealY MapWidth 0 CellToPixel swap pop add(20.0) gte)) destroy(Self 0) endif


# ParticleEmitter.crpl
# Created: 2016.01.25 at 19:27:39 by GameGibu
# Version 1.1.0
# ------------------------------------------


if(<-Emit_Amt 1 lt) 1 ->Emit_Amt endif
if(<-Emit_MinVel lt(0.125)) 0.125 ->Emit_MinVel endif
if(<-Emit_MinMass lt(1)) 1 ->Emit_MinMass endif
if(<-Emit_MaxVel lt(<-Emit_MinVel)) <-Emit_MinVel ->Emit_MaxVel endif
if(<-Emit_MaxMass lt(<-Emit_MinMass)) <-Emit_MinMass ->Emit_MaxMass endif
0 ->myTime
0 ->myRealTime
1 ->IsEmitter
0 ->IsParticle
CreateList ->Particles
SetImage(Self "main" <-EmitterImageSlot)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_CREATEPZ 0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_BEAMTARGET 1)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_MAXHEALTH 10.0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_HEALTH 10.0)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_SHOWHEALTHBAR 1)
SetUnitAttribute(Self CONST_HEALRATE 0.0)
" ->newline

#SetText("MousePixel: x=" GetMousePosition ", y=" swap concat concat concat concat(<-newline) concat("MouseCell: x=") GetMouseCell ", y=" swap concat concat concat)

<-myRealTime add(1) ->myRealTime
      SetPopupText("Press Alpha1 to remove all particles. Only works in edit mode. (Sorry!)")
      SetPopupText("Amt: " concat(<-Emit_Amt) concat(<-newline) concat("Interval: ") concat(<-Emit_Interval asfloat 30.0 div 1 round) concat("s"))
   SetPopupText("Amt: " concat(<-Emit_Amt) concat(<-newline) concat("Interval: ") concat(<-Emit_Interval asfloat 30.0 div 1 round) concat("s"))

<-myTime add(1) ->myTime

   SetImage(Self "main" <-EmitterImageSlot)

   Trace("@intersect, Args:") TraceStack
   CreateList ->int_LIST
   GetListCount(<-L0) ->int_LIM0
   GetListCount(<-L1) ->int_LIM1
   0 ->int_ILOOP
   0 ->int_JLOOP
   while <-int_ILOOP <-int_LIM0 lt repeat
      while <-int_JLOOP <-int_LIM1 lt repeat
         if(GetListElement(<-L0 <-int_ILOOP) GetListElement(<-L1 <-int_JLOOP) eq)
            AppendToList(<-int_LIST GetListElement(<-L0 <-int_ILOOP))
         <-int_JLOOP add(1) ->int_JLOOP
      0 ->int_JLOOP
      <-int_ILOOP add(1) ->int_ILOOP
   Trace("int_LIST: " concat(<-int_LIST))

   if(<-bui_LIM 1 lt)
      0 ->bui_ILOOP
      CreateList ->bui_LIST
      while <-bui_ILOOP <-bui_LIM lt repeat
         AppendToList(<-bui_LIST <-unit)
         <-bui_ILOOP add(1) ->bui_ILOOP

   0 ->mer_I
   0 ->mer_J
   0 ->mer_RESET
   while <-mer_I GetListCount(<-mer_L1) lt repeat
      while <-mer_J GetListCount(<-mer_L0) lt repeat
         if(GetListElement(<-mer_L1 <-mer_I) GetListElement(<-mer_L0 <-mer_J) eq)
            0 ->mer_J
            1 ->mer_RESET
         <-mer_J add(1) ->mer_J
      if(not(<-mer_RESET)) AppendToList(<-mer_L0 GetListElement(<-mer_L1 <-mer_I)) endif
      0 ->mer_RESET
      0 ->mer_J
      <-mer_I add(1) ->mer_I

   0 ->pur_I
   while <-pur_I GetListCount(<-pur_LIST) lt repeat
      if(GetListElement(<-pur_LIST <-pur_I) <-pur_KEY eq)
         RemoveListElement(<-pur_LIST <-pur_I)
      <-pur_I add(1) ->pur_I

   0 ->spa_I
   while <-spa_I <-spa_LIM lt repeat
      CreateUnit("CRPLCore" CurrentCoords) ->unit
      AddScriptToUnit(<-unit "Particle.crpl")
      RandFloat mul(<-Emit_MaxVel sub(<-Emit_MinVel)) add(<-Emit_MinVel) ->newVel
      RandFloat 2 PI mul mul PI sub <-newVel swap dup2 cos mul ->newXVel sin mul ->newYVel
      #RandFloat mul(<-Emit_MaxVel sub(<-Emit_MinVel)) add(<-Emit_MinVel) mul(RandInt(0 2) mul(2) sub(1)) ->newXVel
      #RandFloat mul(<-Emit_MaxVel sub(<-Emit_MinVel)) add(<-Emit_MinVel) mul(RandInt(0 2) mul(2) sub(1)) ->newYVel
      SetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "XVel" <-newXVel)
      SetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "YVel" <-newYVel)
      SetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "Mass" RandInt(<-Emit_MinMass <-Emit_MaxMass add(1)))
      SetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "ImageSlot" <-ParticleImageSlot)
      SetScriptVar(<-unit "Particle.crpl" "PayLoad" <-Emit_Payload)
      <-spa_I add(1) ->spa_I

   if(<-myTime <-StartDelay gte)
      if(<-myTime mod(<-Emit_Interval) eq0)
Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆


What image slots do i put the images? Wait nvm i found out that there is a special thing in the emitter code to set the textures.
CW4 hype!!


Quote from: Nicant on February 09, 2016, 07:39:35 PM
What image slots do i put the images? Wait nvm i found out that there is a special thing in the emitter code to set the textures.

Lovin' the portability, eh?

Make an awesome map!
Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆


Either put code in code tags without spoilers or in a spoiler with Teletype, spoiler+code tags don't work together.


I think I found the lag. If you recompile the scripts while there are particles floating in void they will all go to the lower left corner and if there is no terrain in the corner stack up and stick there causing LAG. Here's the screenshot.
Currently ghosting, don't mind me.
Christian, my list of various content creation groups can be found here


Okay, question: WHY ARE YOU RECOMPILING MY SCRIPTS?  :o :o Even more curious is why do so mid-game.  :-\

But seriously, I coded these to be entirely portable. All the settings you would need are accessable from the editor without opening the scripts up. There is no reason on this planet or yours to recompile these scripts.


By the way I've got version 1.1.0 ready to upload, with some revisions for strategicalness and major lag fixes. Pushed it up to about 1200 opcodes but it runs faster than before and only starts choking when the particle count reaches about 200+ (gotta have an essentially empty map for that).
Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆


Quote from: GameGibu on February 10, 2016, 02:53:42 PM
Okay, question: WHY ARE YOU RECOMPILING MY SCRIPTS?  :o :o Even more curious is why do so mid-game.  :-\

But seriously, I coded these to be entirely portable. All the settings you would need are accessable from the editor without opening the scripts up. There is no reason on this planet or yours to recompile these scripts.


By the way I've got version 1.1.0 ready to upload, with some revisions for strategicalness and major lag fixes. Pushed it up to about 1200 opcodes but it runs faster than before and only starts choking when the particle count reaches about 200+ (gotta have an essentially empty map for that).
Usually if I add scripts I have to recompile everything, not just the new script cause there's no option for that. And if I'm testing to see where particles go and then if I change things with custom stuff then I recompile. I just reported this bug because people sometimes have a round world and don't notice things. They usually notice "Hey, I just recompiled my new custom thing. Wow, it erases all particles too! That's a time saver!" and don't notice the lag causing particles stuck in the corner.
Currently ghosting, don't mind me.
Christian, my list of various content creation groups can be found here


As a rule of thumb I only hit "COMPILE ALL" after hitting "Load", then I save, then I test. After every test, I hit" Load" again to reset everything back to its totally initial state.

I try to avoid using the time reset and erase creeper/AC buttons.

Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆


Quote from: GameGibu on February 10, 2016, 05:42:25 PM
As a rule of thumb I only hit "COMPILE ALL" after hitting "Load", then I save, then I test. After every test, I hit" Load" again to reset everything back to its totally initial state.

I try to avoid using the time reset and erase creeper/AC buttons.

I usually try to make a map, then I see if there are bugs in the gameplay. If there are bugs, test, test, test. Then do a informative bug report. If the person knows about it, the world goes on. If not, then it'll be fixed and future users won't have the same problem. 
Currently ghosting, don't mind me.
Christian, my list of various content creation groups can be found here

Qwerty Quazo

The first foto is taken the frame that emitters spawn their first particles.

The second is a few momments later, where there it lags very much.

How to remove those menus?
The brain is complicated. Use it or lose it.


Whups, I forgot to turn off the debug mode I guess. I'll roll out version 1.1.1 hopefully by tomorrow. Sorry! :-[

Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆


Menus are possible to remove by commenting it from code with # and recompiling.

Qwerty Quazo

I just found a bug:

If you select a tower, pause, and press 1, all particles get destroyed.
The brain is complicated. Use it or lose it.


Was this in a finalized map? If so, then it's a bug.  :(

If you're in the editor however, this is an intentional but unrefined feature. Maybe I should have mentioned it earlier somewhere.

Hope that clears it up!
Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆

Qwerty Quazo

It actually was in editor mode, but i haven't checked the bug on finallized maps yet...
The brain is complicated. Use it or lose it.