Custom Map #3113: The eye. By: fightbaba

Started by AutoPost, January 29, 2016, 11:24:51 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3113: The eye

Author: fightbaba
Size: 200x200



Great map, love ones with lots of choices what to do next.

Had to restart a couple of times to get the energy balance right.


Based on the few scores posted, I'm guessing people are having trouble starting.  My advice is as follows (sorry, spoiler is not working):

Stay on your rectangle at the top, and focus on energy first, land all 3 orbitals, get the syphons and fill the rectangle with collectors and build about 10 reactors.  Then build just a few beams to prevent the first attacks, and build a couple of blasters on the right when needed.  Send a guppy to nullify the spore island on the left, and can then use it for a PZ beam or 3, put a collector in the middle PZ.  Keep building reactors and beams with any available energy, and also send a guppy to the forge, the syphons will hopefully let you get increased energy, energy store, weapon range and weapon rate before the first big lot of spores come.

One thing I didn't realise until later was to land a couple of guppys on the island in the bottom right with 4 PZ's, can then put beams there that drastically reduce the severity of the spore attacks.

I would like to see it rated higher, has been one of by favourite maps, I'm guessing it's getting scored down by people unable to survive the first few spore attacks.

Keep up the good work.


I really enjoyed this map.  It had the right balance of everything...

Keep up the great job!  Gave it a 10

Loren Pechtel

Wiped a few times because I didn't have enough beams and once because I didn't have enough power.

It seems to me that the obvious path is via the stepping stones on the right, I don't really see much of a choice here.


Nice map, lots of variety and lots of options.

I went for:


Base 1 - Top, energy production and start to build some units to send south. Destroy the forge and rebuild in the middle. Use top right for AC collection. Go for the island to the bottom right to get the Bertha on a PZ.

Base 2 - Build middle left as close to the spores as possible. you can take all of the spores very quickly and use the PZs for reactors = limitless energy!

Base 3 - Middle island bottom right, mortar on the PZ and then use the island with 4 PZs for a reactor and a beam.

Initially use the energy at the top to connect bases and then attack all areas at the same time. By the time the big spore fires you can have control of much of the map and more energy than you can use thanks to all the PZs