Custom Map #3111: Spiky. By: Sorrontis

Started by AutoPost, January 29, 2016, 12:00:53 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3111: Spiky

Author: Sorrontis
Size: 160x160

Ladies and Gentlemen! Please put your hands together for todays entertainment, Mr Spiky! #Sorrontis #CRPL #Easy #SpikeEmitter


Here's my new friend, Mr Spiky. Be nice, he's new to the neighborhood

CurrentCoords ->y0 ->x0
0 ->angle
# set random to 1 if you want spiky to shoot between 0 and <-spines worth of spikes every <-rate frames

GetGameTimeFrames <-rate mod eq0 if
200 0 do
200 0 do
i j 0 0 SetPinFieldCell
loop loop

<-random 1 eq if
<-spines 1 add ->value
0 <-value RandInt ->value
<-spines ->value
<-value 0 do
RandUnitCoords ->yno ->xno
sub(<-yno <-y0) 2 pow ->yside
sub(<-xno <-x0) 2 pow ->xside
add(<-xside <-yside) sqrt ->r
sub(<-yno <-y0) ->f
div(<-f <-r) asin ->angle
<-angle ->rads

<-r 2 div ->len
<-len 0 do
cos(<-rads) i mul ->x
<-xno <-x0 lt if
<-x neg ->x
sin(<-rads) i mul ->y
<-x <-x0 add ->x
<-y <-y0 add ->y
<-x <-y 1 0 SetPinFieldCell
<-x <-y <-load SetCreeperNoLower
loop loop


TRUE PersistCore
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

Peter R

Well done, Sorrontis, nice new challenge  :)


I almost always start any of your custom enemy maps by not doing anything then attempting to build a nullifier then RUNNING FOR COVER (not really, I wait then restart ;) ).
Currently ghosting, don't mind me.
Christian, my list of various content creation groups can be found here


"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."