Custom Map #3035: Jb T9 Xrono tel 3. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, January 14, 2016, 04:26:03 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3035: Jb T9 Xrono tel 3

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 179x97




I need to give this one another go, you set quite a time! Just tried again and made more use of the center of the map. Another interesting map.


Loren Pechtel

Johnny Haywire

PH's maps almost always have runners that carry annoyingly ridiculous amounts of creeper. I'm not sure how the guys with the really short times do it, but you have to keep the digi from feeding the runner nests.

I use two (or more) berthas on PZ's to do that. The first hit neutralizes the production but it causes a ton of creeper. The second hit gets rid of (most of) the creeper.

As far as starting out goes...
Kill the forge and rebuild it later. I actually deleted everything on the map, that way the spores don't target anything. Nullify the 2 emitters & one spore and then you should be good to go!
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Had to jog the memory on this one! For a speed run:

Like Johnny said, destory the forge and drop a CN there. Also drop a CN in the middle and quickly connect them with relays, there are a number of packs around for AC and Aether. I decided to hold the centre ring until the berthas were complete and then with staggered shooting attacked the right hand emitter to secure the centre. Some terping was also needed to keep the relays connecting the two CNs.

Image attacjed as of 2mins, only just started to build the forge as I forgot about it!

Johnny Haywire

Wow, nice Dom! I didn't think the nullifier would build fast enough to take out the spore tower before it hit the reactors so I destroyed all the reactors, lol.

You are worthy of being AlterOld's 2nd-in-command!  ;)
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Haha, not quite there yet, only been paying a few years  :o
EA defo side by side with Alter in my book.
I think if you were not so distracted by all of the tasty treats you'd probably have a chance of being up on the podium as well  ;)

Johnny Haywire

Heh heh, thx mate!

And thanks to PH and all those guys who love making the really tough maps!  ;D
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