Custom Map #2966: asdf. By: 1r45

Started by AutoPost, December 30, 2015, 04:49:29 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2966: asdf

Author: 1r45
Size: 20x20



Four Collector, One Reactor, One Blaster, One Nurrifier = Win
Kraken everywhere!

Johnny Haywire

One blaster = win. No need to build anything else. Not really a "map", in my opinion. More like a mop - a mop that sweeps away competence and leaves in its place complete frivolity and absurdness.

No potato chips needed at all.

#what's the point #no skill needed
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At least this isn't fully instawin. Maybe author meant it as coffee break map?

Johnny Haywire

Lol, maybe. You'd need to be a hard-core Java Juicer to guzzle a cup of hot coffee in a minute, though. But yeah like you said, at least it's not an insta-win. And ironically, I'd rather beat a map like this than a ginormous map with one vulnerable inhibitor. With this one, what ya see is what ya get.
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?