Custom Map #2898: nMM21 Ptmw9.1. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, December 17, 2015, 02:21:19 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2898: nMM21 Ptmw9.1

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 179x91



This is my favorite of the new maps, lots of time to set up a base before the dreaded spores arrive, can be played aggressively or you can turtle down and play the long game.

Great fun,thanks for the new maps  ;D


Thanks D0m0nik!  By the way, I hope you have a tremendous Christmas!


Great new style of game - loved it!
I got the perfect start but got caught by a partial Spore as I was beginning my attack (no save) - major wipeout.
Will replay when my BP meds kick in.

Johnny Haywire

Yeah, don't try to do this map without some SERIOUS snacks nearby. I started out the first time just kinda chillin' it and - DUH - spores? Oh yeah, those things. Apparently, cannons don't shoot down spores. Once you get mortars in place and a good bit of beams/reactors up and running, you're pretty much set.

Did you know that if you surround all the emitters with cannons, drown them in AC, then turn the volume all the way up you can hear the emitters crying and begging for mercy? "PLEEEASE! Oh PLEEEEASE!" Try it and see. Maybe it's not actually built into the game but I can definitely hear their voices in my head. Bu and a wah-ha-ha all the live-long day.

Or you can just do it faster and not make the emitters suffer, but where's the fun in that?  8)
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Quote from: pastor.healer on December 17, 2015, 12:56:20 PM
Thanks D0m0nik!  By the way, I hope you have a tremendous Christmas!

You too PH, Merry Christmas!

Quote from: Helper on December 17, 2015, 03:37:05 PM
I got the perfect start but got caught by a partial Spore as I was beginning my attack

If you are quick enough you can take out both spores before they even activate, I did it with about 10 seconds to spare, made for quite an intense challenge.