Custom Map #2866: teks035 runner farm 5. By: teknotiss

Started by AutoPost, December 09, 2015, 05:20:12 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2866: teks035 runner farm 5

Author: teknotiss
Size: 251x251

more runner farming... but i do mean more!!!



hey dude... the clue is in the name  ;)
if you make a few snipers and land them near the runners you will be able to farm some AC to use against the enemy.
you can play with the settings of the sprayer units to dispatch AC to the CN's and the they can send the AC t units as you advance.
hope that helps 8)
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


My first problem was
surviving the gigundous Spore attacks that start after a couple of minutes.
I was able to get that first Emitter gone (PZ created) and hold them off whilst I went after the Runners.
Major error was taking out the Emitters in the Runner farms - must have had a severe brain cramp.


mostly I just fortified my starting base, using the green E, to help make some reactor at the same time the forge expanded my amount. Having extra E when the wave of spore come in helps a lot, and just slowly build enough tower to help. soon once your not really in a need to worry, I slowly move up, also using the runner ac to help a little, but I never farm the stuff my self, just enough to get my island and using the pz to help a lot with sport or moving out more.


Quote from: Tjgalon on December 10, 2015, 03:45:24 PM
...mostly I just fortified my starting base, using the green E, ...

Probably not the right game to 'turtle up' and battle your way out of. That tactic is going to use a lot of energy that could be better put to expanding and attacking.

Consider attacking the nearest Emitter in the SW corner and getting a Beam in that PZ. It will handle most of the Spores and you can start your attack much sooner.


Maybe, but I still manage to win it, and I am happy with my self.


so big - gets kind of boring since the non-stop noise of snipers killing runners are on top of all the spore siren stuff (which I didn't turn off)

and since you criticized other map makers for their design choices ...  what's up with the "no relays" bit? that jsut totally slows stuff down. And the layouts can't be symmetric due to where you position the CN. :( 
Edit: Oh, and the limit on mortars. I hate it when I have to play "where's Waldo" with a few units when I can build units faster than I can move them.

so anyway, I figured it was just a long slog after I hopped off the first island - too 2 tries to do that.

Probably won't try to finish, though. Trying to keep things symmetric just adds to the noise stress. 


Really good map, very challenging beginning, fair bit of 'beam juggling' over a PZ until the first 4 PZs were free then it was just a case of cleaning up.

The mortar limits make total sense, the whole point is this is an AC farming map, you are supposed to use sprayers and you have a virtually limitless supply of AC. The relay thing was a bit annoying, my packet speed was upgraded 40 times by the end so speed not a problem, just a bit frustrating in terms of laying out your network.

It did kind of feel like two games though, the first 6-8 mins were intense survival, then it was just about working out the most efficient way to clean up the rest of the map, the forge upgraded so quickly that power and AC soon became limitless.


I'd have to agree with the other comments.  A good map, didn't mind the mortar limit (much), but hated the no relays.  It wouldn't have bothered me as much if there were tech I could have picked up to start using them in the later game which was really just a matter of clean up time.  Still, I enjoyed it even with that.  Thanks for the maps you make.
Omnipotence doesn't mean the ability to do what is logically impossible. It's possible, therefore, for God to create beings with the kind of free will that can choose between good and evil, but he can't also force those creatures to choose good. If he forced their choice, it wouldn't be free.


Quote from: mzimmer74 on December 12, 2015, 07:31:18 PM
I'd have to agree with the other comments.  A good map, didn't mind the mortar limit (much), but hated the no relays.  It wouldn't have bothered me as much if there were tech I could have picked up to start using them in the later game which was really just a matter of clean up time.  Still, I enjoyed it even with that.  Thanks for the maps you make.

no worries!
and the no relays was so it wasn't too easy to provide supplies... i knew it would annoy some people, but figured it was worth it in terms of game design

Quote from: D0m0nik on December 12, 2015, 07:23:42 PM
Really good map, very challenging beginning, fair bit of 'beam juggling' over a PZ until the first 4 PZs were free then it was just a case of cleaning up.

The mortar limits make total sense, the whole point is this is an AC farming map, you are supposed to use sprayers and you have a virtually limitless supply of AC. The relay thing was a bit annoying, my packet speed was upgraded 40 times by the end so speed not a problem, just a bit frustrating in terms of laying out your network.

It did kind of feel like two games though, the first 6-8 mins were intense survival, then it was just about working out the most efficient way to clean up the rest of the map, the forge upgraded so quickly that power and AC soon became limitless.

and yes the intention was to have a tricky start and then a cleanup operation, so i got that right! ;)
again, relays was annoying, but it is a better map i think without them...  8)

Quote from: Karsten75 on December 11, 2015, 07:43:48 PM
so big - gets kind of boring since the non-stop noise of snipers killing runners are on top of all the spore siren stuff (which I didn't turn off)

er... ok... prob should turn off the noises etc on my runner farm maps in future then  ;)

and since you criticized other map makers for their design choices ...  what's up with the "no relays" bit? that jsut totally slows stuff down. And the layouts can't be symmetric due to where you position the CN. :( 
Edit: Oh, and the limit on mortars. I hate it when I have to play "where's Waldo" with a few units when I can build units faster than I can move them.

so anyway, I figured it was just a long slog after I hopped off the first island - too 2 tries to do that.

Probably won't try to finish, though. Trying to keep things symmetric just adds to the noise stress. 

all intentional design aspects... and as you well know given my other maps i am well able to choose what works and what doesn't on my various themes, so thanks for the criticism, but i won't be adding relays to maps that need those limits.
on the mortars this is an AC farming map, having too many mortars would defeat the object, i was considering having no mortars at all... so you got lucky there really!

and sorry if it wasn't totally symmetrical, i know a lot of people expect it in my maps  ;) ;D

thanks all for the comments, good and bad!  ;) 8)
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


Quote from: teknotiss on December 13, 2015, 02:03:29 PM
thanks all for the comments, good and bad!  ;) 8)

Or (like the title from a great movie) the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.


I am happy to see you are back making maps, you are one of my favorite artists and I find myself playing your maps over and over. As far as this map goes I take limitations as challenges and I do know you do it all on purpose.

On strategy, I left the runners alone until I got a big enough energy base to handle the constant firing. I had enough beams to fend off the spores until I could take the first 4 PZs and use beams there. Then destroyed the rest and pushed out from there terraforming and using AC all the way....and cannons....lots of cannons  ;D


Quote from: slayer18x on December 14, 2015, 01:09:26 PM
I am happy to see you are back making maps, you are one of my favorite artists and I find myself playing your maps over and over. As far as this map goes I take limitations as challenges and I do know you do it all on purpose.

On strategy, I left the runners alone until I got a big enough energy base to handle the constant firing. I had enough beams to fend off the spores until I could take the first 4 PZs and use beams there. Then destroyed the rest and pushed out from there terraforming and using AC all the way....and cannons....lots of cannons  ;D

thanks dude, nice of you to say so!
and strategy wise that's similar to me, i built enough power to take on on farm and then it was easy enough to get on with the rest... also lots of cannons  ;)
cheers again dude!  8)
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus