Custom Map #2856: Psycho Presents: Power Shortage. By: PSYCHOLOGICAL

Started by AutoPost, December 06, 2015, 12:34:54 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2856: Psycho Presents: Power Shortage

Size: 128x84

With your power source limited, you must force your way for a nifty escape to restore your power and counter-strike the creeper. Note: This is my first map. Please forgive me for any mistakes. Hope you enjoy it!


Not bad for a first try, but it could be better.  For one thing, if you go for a map where the main challenge comes from a lack of energy, you may not want to give us more than we'll ever need right at the beginning.  Smaller energy packets would have made the map much more challenging, while still being winnable.  Other than that, it was fine, at least for me.