Custom Map #2844: Retreat. By: xMehmetx

Started by AutoPost, December 01, 2015, 10:58:10 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2844: Retreat

Author: xMehmetx
Size: 189x256



help please, i got ran out, the creeper just is too much with not enough energy. spoiler please. ty
Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.


What part are you having trouble with.
how i started.
I retreaded my base and not landed, and move the 3 tear all the way up top to allow my cn to land north after making the ground flat, using the middle, north, middle island for my forge. The syphion help[ for quick build on the few collectors that fit, then a lot of reactors of course, and using the forge upgrades to build like 15ish beam vannon for the spores. and a couple extra for safty till you see how it goes. I build some ac dumper on the two left and right island and use middle for bertha. Hope that helps.


i did that kind of and still got overwelmed
Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.


Then I am not sure, it how I handle it. Is it the energy trouble your having? are you using the forge?


Really enjoyed this. I love a good slog but to call this a slog match is unfair, there was a lot of room for different techniques, lots of guppy work, the opportunity to relocate bases. The absence of air exclusion thingy-m-jingys also allowed for some cheeky guppy/bertha/nullifier action. Never felt like a slog despite the overwhelming amount of creeper, great job!


I agree with D0M.  Not a slog despite the big emitters.  You just barely beat me for time.



I got that, but I assume it was a creeper world term, ty though.