Custom Map #2832: Stacking CRPL (stacking v4!). By: Karma's coming!

Started by AutoPost, November 26, 2015, 03:18:52 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2832: Stacking CRPL (stacking v4!)

Author: Karma's coming!
Size: 128x84

All the spores went to the little crack to make it not a big crack... Huzzah my first original CRPL code... just fires a spore from itself to (randomcoord halved plus fourty)


Serious lag warning!

In the end I vastly overthought (and overbuilt) this one. All I really needed was the squadrons of strafers to cut off the digitalis/kill the runners at the source.
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


I used sprayers to cuck op the SC on the bottom and more sprayers up top to dump it there


I didn't think about lag, thanks for pointing it out. When you have a computer as good as mine.... yeah.... I already have another map setup. And it uses 2 crpl, the second crpl is
a machine which creates reactors. They're unbuilt, but they all stack ontop and they're all on a PZ!
To use [OUR] Custom Modules, go to Forums/Knuckle Cracker/PFE/Map Makers, Ship Builders, and Coders, Go to the pinned posts, find the one named "Custom Modules Thread", Open it, Scroll down until you find ShipModule, Apply that into your map, do not apply it into map if one copy already exists, Apply the Adder script (Sometimes named "Master.prpl, sometimes [shipname]Adder, etc.) and the actual used scripts [which i will state in my posts]. If one copy already exists, do not apply another copy. -The CMC :-)