Thor is impossible to destroy?

Started by Builder17, November 01, 2015, 03:23:38 PM

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I would like way to destroy thor in PAC map , but it seems it's impossible.
Any idea?


This simple Command. Not sure if it will work but this would be my guess.
# 0 means no explosion and no sound, 1 means a small soundless flash, 2 means a full explosion with sound, 3 means full explosion but no sound.
THOR 2 Destroy
CW4 hype!!


I though about CRPL core what player needs to connect digitalis and after it's connected thor will blown itself ,but how Core can know where thor is located in map?


The Destroy command takes an unit UID, not the name of the unit. I don't know if GetUnitsInRange also returns thors, but if it does you can get the UID and destroy it.


GetUnitsInRange returns the unit UID's of all built player units that are landed and within range.
Thor isn't landed, I think. But can GetUnitType work?


GetUnitType requires the UID of a unit, which is the thing we're missing. Once you have the UID you can use GetUnitType to check if it is a thor.
GetAllUnitsInRange does return flying units (and also enemy units). Call that function, and use a loop to find the thor in the list. This should work:

GetAllUnitsInRange(0 0 9999 0) 0 do
if(GetUnitType(<-unit) "THOR" eq)
<-unit 2 Destroy


Quote from: J on November 02, 2015, 10:23:55 AM
The Destroy command takes an unit UID, not the name of the unit. I don't know if GetUnitsInRange also returns thors, but if it does you can get the UID and destroy it.
oh ok i did not know it couldn't
CW4 hype!!


You should be able to create a thor through crpl and capture the unit id that way. Or just find units in range and get the type. You could create a core that always moves to the thor's current position (if it's moving) and have it track when creeper is in that cell and damage thor's health based on creeper levels. Once health is depleted, destroy the thor.

For the movement, I'm not sure if the movement commands would work on thor, but if they do, you could create a script that has thor patrol between points or even moves to the deepest creeper on the map. Then also have it track ammo and return to the CN to resuplly if low.  I've thought about this alot because I plan on using something like this in later PAC Redemption maps. 


Before I would do that (destroy thor) I would test to see if the thor is automatically destroyed when the thor's health is depleted.