Custom Map #2738: Mars Attacks 2. By: Dp

Started by AutoPost, October 28, 2015, 05:01:50 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2738: Mars Attacks 2

Author: Dp
Size: 100x180

Part 2 Medium to hard difficulty. #PAC


I am doing something wrong and messing my thumbnail pics up, can't figure out what!!! Help!


If you use the latest PAC template it should automatically move the view to the bottom of the map. Do NOT move around before finalizing the map. If at the time of finalizing the custom UI is over the map, it will be caught in the screenshot when making the thumbnail. (the PAC user interface is custom-made with CRPL, the game does not remove it from the view before making the thumbnail)


I always zoom all the way out as the final step before finalizing.


Quote from: stdout on October 28, 2015, 06:01:03 PM
I always zoom all the way out as the final step before finalizing.

Zooming far out will cause problems if you have pre-built spore towers, making the countdown visible on the thumbnail. Zooming in and moving all the way down to the bottom of the map is the only thing that works in all cases.

Johnny Haywire

Yanno, I just wanna thank y'all for making these maps... those of us who barely have time to play a map here or there really appreciate the time you guys put in to making these! And speaking of maps, great map Dp! Was a nice, steady challenge that made me think... a lot! I even had to go get potato chips at one point, so that means something. Then I realized, "Hey, these potato chips have ridges... and so does this map!" So, yeah and stuff. Keep up the good work!

You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Johnny Haywire - you are like the Plato of Potato Chips! Thanks for the comments and glad you enjoyed it  :D

Stdout and J - I think I got it, zoom out all the way, scroll to the bottom before finalizing. Thank you!


I enjoyed the map.

Was it intentional that the SW CN can only be conquered with spores? No matter how much creeper I threw at it it could defend itself, and only high number of spores could exhaust the PZ beam.

The East CN as a different matter
The only strategy I found that workd was energy starvation
Your puny map is no match for my Turtle Power!


Quote from: isj4 on October 29, 2015, 05:12:10 PM
I enjoyed the map.

Was it intentional that the SW CN can only be conquered with spores? No matter how much creeper I threw at it it could defend itself, and only high number of spores could exhaust the PZ beam.

The East CN as a different matter
The only strategy I found that workd was energy starvation

I managed to take it with just emitters. Split the two bases and had about 20 emitters by then.

DP nice map. Good challenge.

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: isj4 on October 29, 2015, 05:12:10 PM
I enjoyed the map.

Was it intentional that the SW CN can only be conquered with spores? No matter how much creeper I threw at it it could defend itself, and only high number of spores could exhaust the PZ beam.

The East CN as a different matter
The only strategy I found that workd was energy starvation

Huh?  I found spores useless against the CNs--you need too many to overcome the PZ beams they have.

I marched as far as I could down the left side with spores, then climbed a bit into the center ridgeline, cutting the left/right link.  At this point I went entirely with emitters and got the forge.  At this point I could slowly push creep against the CN, it eventually fell.  I then took the rich territory to the SE and the final E CN simply couldn't stand up to all the creeper coming it's way.


I did it exactly the way Loren described.


Quote from: Loren Pechtel on October 29, 2015, 08:05:50 PM
Quote from: isj4 on October 29, 2015, 05:12:10 PM
Was it intentional that the SW CN can only be conquered with spores? No matter how much creeper I threw at it it could defend itself, and only high number of spores could exhaust the PZ beam.

Huh?  I found spores useless against the CNs--you need too many to overcome the PZ beams they have.

I successfully conquered the SW CN with spores. After the forge has been destroyed the CN cannot power the beam quickly enough if you send it well-timed spores.
Your puny map is no match for my Turtle Power!


I have played the map a few times.
It is not a nugage/puzzle map where you have to gain territory pixel by pixel. So at bit of the fun is lacking. What i would recommend for this map is to change the center two clusters of 3 beams to just 2 clusters of 2 beams. It would make the map easier but also less grinding
Your puny map is no match for my Turtle Power!


Quote from: isj4 on October 30, 2015, 08:52:47 PM
I have played the map a few times.
It is not a nugage/puzzle map where you have to gain territory pixel by pixel. So at bit of the fun is lacking. What i would recommend for this map is to change the center two clusters of 3 beams to just 2 clusters of 2 beams. It would make the map easier but also less grinding

I am afraid you missed a little trick - you can land spores just North of the cluster on top of the ridge and push creeper down quite easily to take out all central spores. This was intended as it is then very satisfying to destroy much of the east side by cutting supply and marching down that side with spores. I hoped the lack of PZs would hint to that but perhaps not obvious!

The SW base is also possible to take without even getting as far as taking the SE corner and without the need for spores. If you do take the SE corner first then it is actually a little too easy to take in my opinion.

Thank you all for commenting and playing the map!