Custom Map #2728: Mars Attacks!. By: Dp

Started by AutoPost, October 24, 2015, 03:28:38 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2728: Mars Attacks!

Author: Dp
Size: 180x180

The humans have discovered surface water on Mars, KILL THEM ALL! My third PAC map, spent ages on the terrain and then remembered that it also needs to play well. Oh well, hope you enjoy. Credit for PaC coding and template goes to stewbasic, stdout , teknotiss and Hubs. #PAC Medium difficulty



i can't make any progress... :o
i destroyed the south PZ blaster, but i cannot get D to take the second totem or the PZ!
i can surround both with D, but it will not go over the important cells

so good work on the look of the map...
but at 6 mins in an no joy.....
if the PZ mortar to the south of the start area was a little lower/right it would be doable, but it saps the D too much!
damn... cos i love PAC maps! :(
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


Loved it...took a nice blend of switching between emitters and towers to crack some of the spots.  Tek...I had a similar problem for a while but finally got it to take the next PZ by pushing down the sides and the top.  It seemed to give them something else to shoot at so I could finally get the PZ.  Once I had that it was just a matter of slowly working my way around the map.
Omnipotence doesn't mean the ability to do what is logically impossible. It's possible, therefore, for God to create beings with the kind of free will that can choose between good and evil, but he can't also force those creatures to choose good. If he forced their choice, it wouldn't be free.


Hey teknotiss

I had loads of trouble with the varied and steep terrain, creates havoc with the field tool but I find just changing the angle that you attack a little solves the problem quite quickly.

I am not very happy with this map, I did the visuals before the game play and the result was not good. In future game playcomes first.


Quote from: teknotiss on October 24, 2015, 05:13:48 PM
i can't make any progress... :o
i destroyed the south PZ blaster, but i cannot get D to take the second totem or the PZ!
i can surround both with D, but it will not go over the important cells

so good work on the look of the map...
but at 6 mins in an no joy.....
if the PZ mortar to the south of the start area was a little lower/right it would be doable, but it saps the D too much!
damn... cos i love PAC maps! :(

Hmm?  Tried it a few times now, start on burst and basically just aim at the totem to the south and you'll get that PZ in about a minute tops. 

I also couldn't get it on my first try on the map though, it simply wouldn't cover that pz with creeper so I restarted at about 10 minutes because it was not getting any better. 


Creeper just doesn't travel well along a ridge, the two PZs to the south can be taken very easily and very quickly but some experimentation with the angle of the field tool may be needed. After that everything is straight forward.

I won't be using ridges in this way again!


Quote from: D0m0nik on October 25, 2015, 04:49:36 AM
I won't be using ridges in this way again!

That would be a shame because it really was a fun level.  Yeah, there were some challenges due to the ridges, but they also made the level play in a different way from other PAC maps which made for good challenges.
Omnipotence doesn't mean the ability to do what is logically impossible. It's possible, therefore, for God to create beings with the kind of free will that can choose between good and evil, but he can't also force those creatures to choose good. If he forced their choice, it wouldn't be free.


Quote from: Hatsee on October 24, 2015, 09:11:46 PM
Quote from: teknotiss on October 24, 2015, 05:13:48 PM
i can't make any progress... :o
i destroyed the south PZ blaster, but i cannot get D to take the second totem or the PZ!
i can surround both with D, but it will not go over the important cells

so good work on the look of the map...
but at 6 mins in an no joy.....
if the PZ mortar to the south of the start area was a little lower/right it would be doable, but it saps the D too much!
damn... cos i love PAC maps! :(

Hmm?  Tried it a few times now, start on burst and basically just aim at the totem to the south and you'll get that PZ in about a minute tops. 

I also couldn't get it on my first try on the map though, it simply wouldn't cover that pz with creeper so I restarted at about 10 minutes because it was not getting any better.

yeah the random nature of C flow is the issue, this is an edge case situation! ;)

Hey DOm no worries, will replay, just a bit down about it at the time! ::)

and yeah, the looks are great, maybe use less narrow top height sections?  8)
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


Thanks for the feedback guys, new lessons learnt each time! Mars #2 is on the way, smaller and hopefully a lot more playable!


Really love the colors and textures on this one. All around an enjoyable map (although I did stumble on the field issue early. 11 minutes in and I still hadn't taken a PZ. I started over again and the second time I had a PZ inside a minute. Go figure.)


Quote from: D0m0nik on October 25, 2015, 04:49:36 AM
I won't be using ridges in this way again!

Please do. I found it enjoyable to be able to sneak in on the PZ cannons
Your puny map is no match for my Turtle Power!


Loved the terrain on this one. Gameplay was good too. Ridges made this a lot more interesting than the standard deal with Abraxis PAC maps. One of the few non-void PAC maps were terrain was a major factor in the game play. Can't wait for Mars #2! Wouldn't mind a bit smaller map too. The bottom left didn't have much going on. Larger maps = more laggy.


Cheers guys, I am keeping ridges and varied terrain, just doing away with having to push along the top of a ridge. It doesn't work!


1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now