Custom Map #2699: Neo-Singapore v1.0. By: xbriannova

Started by AutoPost, October 17, 2015, 01:04:59 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2699: Neo-Singapore v1.0

Author: xbriannova
Size: 256x256

Neo-Singapore, a colony pioneered by the original citizens of old world Singapore. It was destroyed by the creeper all the same, but the Neo-Singaporeans held out for years. Will you suffer the same fate? Or will you survive the siege of Neo-Singapore?


A nice map overall. I really liked the design of it.
Some may say it is a bit too big but actually I think it was fine given that it wasn't just one big massive space.

But I think there was a fairly big flaw in your map which I'm not sure if you took account of or if it was intended.
The problem was that there were far too many things which I could nullify before they could even pose a threat. Now it's often okay to leave a few things which players can nullify early in the map as a reward for taking an aggressive approach. But in this map, it was more than just a few things I was able to nullify.
To be precise, and this wasn't particularly easy but...
I was able to nullify ALL the runner nests before any runners could be produced and ALL the northern spore towers plus the one that was slightly northeast of the Octagon shaped base thingy before they could release any spores. That's a bit too much to nullify right off the bat. But again, I should stress, it wasn't easy, but it was possible.
An idea is that you could've perhaps placed a weak emitter north of the Octagon base just as a preventive measure for getting the sort of massive early advantage that I managed to get.

So yeah that was all really. I didn't mean this as a criticism (well maybe slightly) but more as a suggestion for something to think about in your future maps. :)


I was only a few ticks of the clock away from duplicating your initial destruction...then I noticed incoming Spores from down below - oops!
This is a fun game.


Very nice map, looked promising, but turned out to be very straightforward. Didnt nulify all runner nests before they got activated, but still managed to get all but 2. And then jumping island to island was easy to get creeper at bay, managed to finish in 12 mins.  I almost blew up my game by barely getting in time to nulify 6 spores at the beach / top, but once you get 1 nullified, build a anti spore tower on PZ, and you are good.

Possible ways to increase difficulty?
* Increase viscosity? I though the game said so, but it seemed to be almost the opposite, i did expect creeper to flood level 1 almost instantly, but even mortar could keep creeper at bay.
* more spores from the south? Perhaps also do a different timing. for ex, 5 spores first wave, and then 30 sec after 20 spores ? check balance, mass spores is fun :)


Just give one CN.  Then the player can nullify some things right away but has to decide.   8)