Custom Map #2672: edna03 - small. By: mumajz

Started by AutoPost, October 12, 2015, 04:47:47 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2672: edna03 - small

Author: mumajz
Size: 50x50

If you know how, it is quick map.



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Quote from: stdout on October 12, 2015, 05:12:00 PM
Nice little puzzle.

Given our 3 second difference, looks like you and I used the same solution. Although Alter Old and RrR have a better one...


My solution involved two sprayers, a mortar, and a guppy. I kept and used the energy pack.


My build order


1 syphon
2 guppy
3 nullifier
4 terp & sprayer
5 guppy & mortar
6 nullifier


Oh! I didnt' use sprayers at all. I didn't use AC for anything!


Siphon, guppy, nullify, mortar, terp
then guppy, nullifier.

The mortar was enough to allow the terp to build a shelf to allow the guppy to go land and nullify.


Captain Ford

What part of the map did you terraform? When I terraform the lower-right corner up to level 4, the mortar suddenly glitches out and refuses to fire directly at the emitter, and will then only fire at the lower-left corner. If I terraform both corners it very nearly doesn't fire at all (see attached picture). Anyone know what's up with that?

Kind of wish I could put the picture in a spoiler tag...


I terp'ed
the southwest of the emitter island so there was space for two units. I didn't see your bug because
I had the terp on the PZ


"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


You want to know how I got my score? I used
Quote from: stdout on October 13, 2015, 09:48:47 AM
... two sprayers, a mortar, and a guppy. ...

Wow, build order cuts out a minute.