Custom Map #2662: Jailbreak v2. By: amaranth

Started by AutoPost, October 11, 2015, 01:48:52 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2662: Jailbreak v2

Author: amaranth
Size: 128x128

Following feedback, much more of a challenge this time with unsafe start and no protection around your base. - for some reason the messages don't show at start- they are in 'archived transmissions'. #techlimits #no runners #no spores #digitalis


any hints ?  I'm stuck, I can get the cannon and relay at the start, but then no time to get anything else ? ( always go for the cannon first)

I can take and hold the middle... but then I'm stuck there, can't expand out because not enough power for cannons to really push


You can, and will need to get the reactor tech quickly in order to be able to make progress. Before you can get the forge fired up, you will get about 6 energy units per second, which is enough to run the 5 guns.


ahh, thanks for that

but... I'm still stuck, I'll stick what I'm doing in spoiler tags incase I spoil it for anyone else


I've taken all of the the middle, I've got plenty of power (+13) and I have a guppy flying to bottom left to get me thingies for the forge

I've left it running at x4 speed while I'm doing other stuff, so I've upgraded sire range and speed all the way

but I'm still stuck in the middle....

I'm trying to move left, figuring that's close so in range of weapons and has fewer emitters then right/down/up

but... there's no ground there for me to build on ?

there is under the emitters, but I can't get a nullifier close enough to kill any of them

any chance it's because I'm using an older version of the game?
(I get a warning when I load up the map)

sorry for asking dumb questions, I'm new to custom maps




Press shift-C. Then you can see where there is land under the digitalis that you can build on.


I can see the ground now... but still stuck

everything is still out of range for me to build on / get with the nulifiers

screen shot




can't believe I didn't see the ground at the bottom... checked again after your post and I'm out there now :-)

thanks again

Alan :-)

p.s. done it now -)

Peter R

Start is nice, good improvement.
But then gets the boring part, waiting for tech-updates. Maybe simply give more mortars?
Thanks for making the map. I enjoyed it twice (1st & 2nd edition).


Sorry Peter, it does drag a bit.  I will bear in mind for future maps.