Custom Map #2621: eRqr44.2. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, October 03, 2015, 08:45:42 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2621: eRqr44.2

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 97x97



how do you do this? i cant reach with the relays even with the power zones , only can make 1 hop. and i get flooded with those runners. too ty
Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.


Quote from: PMouser on October 04, 2015, 12:51:42 AM
how do you do this? i cant reach with the relays even with the power zones , only can make 1 hop. and i get flooded with those runners. too ty
A classic P.H map technique  :)

Geesh - got halfway and must have taken the wrong method of trying to attack all of the runners.  Thanks for yet another challenge!


applemachome... I am glad you gave it a try.  A clue for my maps is to think first how you would make
the map and how you would get through it. 

For example, this one is designed to narrow down the paths the runners can move through.  So the goal
to get ahead is to cut them off at the pass.  This map also has some tricks up my sleeve to move forward.
You must find them in order to progress.

Thanks for attempting my maps.  That is how I learned to play better by going after the hard ones.

Blessings :)


i cant advance my relays cant reach and i cant fly
Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.




 Ha!  I am taking the family out to celebrate tonight. I finally beat an RrR time!  Yeah..  Oh I am so happy!  :)   Goodness...  it must be a clock problem or some other
fluke of nature.  Oh... I get it...  you had to go get a refill on your coffee and left the game running.  Ok.  That's alright....  Gotta go.  Celebrating!  :)


Quote from: PMouser on October 04, 2015, 10:29:32 AM
i cant advance my relays cant reach and i cant fly

There is a single spot beside 1 emitter on each level that lets you drop a relay to advance.  You can spot them if you use sprayers, right beside the emitter.  Spent way too long looking for the damn things myself.


i don't get how i'm supposed to get to that spot because no matter what i do it causes a big explosion.   



the spot next to the emitter that you can land a relay on.  i can't land anything on it, its instantly covered with digitalis. 

although i'm playing with singularity now to pull it away and shooting at it, there's not enough singularity power to really do much in terms of getting a nullifier down and powered up (if the relay will even reach)

more (hidden) spoilers please i am just plain stuck and hate giving up on your maps but i find it hard to gain any foothold


The key is getting blasters pointed at the emitter.  Then you can take the step.  The second key to any of
my games is saving a lot.  ctrl s   If you don't, you will grow very frustrated.  I surely don't want you headed
down that road.

Lots of power, lots of blaster distance.  Try again.  You will need to beat this map if you are going to play
my last map I just uploaded.  It will take perseverance and resolve.




Upgraded anti-digitalis cannons will cap each emitter (you can then nullify the first), but you need multiple PZ bertha to clear the creeper (the singularity weapon also helps a lot, but I didn't use it enough)


I just had a personal best, beat Alter Old (Don't tell him or he will post a 20 min time!)

This was a hard map PH, one of your most challenging by far!