Custom Map #2576: Rv rs Edg 367.21. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, September 25, 2015, 02:38:46 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2576: Rv rs Edg 367.21

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 213x59



pretty sure it's impossible!!! 

this is next level stuff.  i don't know why I can't do any of your maps.  I feel like there's some stuff I just don't know.


Quote from: lividbishop on September 25, 2015, 03:01:42 PM
pretty sure it's impossible!!! 

this is next level stuff.  i don't know why I can't do any of your maps.  I feel like there's some stuff I just don't know.

I must be missing something on this...tried many times. Another Pastor.Healer map, another several hours of my life gone.  ;D

Finally got it.  Thanks for another hard one!


Ha!  Thanks for the comments.  Goodness.  Hours lost from your life...  :(   

I see a left a hole in a map again.  There are still those who outwit my attempts at making the somewhat difficult
seem easy.  Well done.

Bless you all  :)


As far as i can tell, there has only ever been one unwinnable PH map. (coffee break my ___). As the person who specializes in juicy bugs, there is one strategy to rule them all. Don't touch the bugs! This usually involves not using weapons, relays, and building in tight corners.


I tried in vain to use the middle ground before realising there was no need.


Use the 2 PZs for reactors and then use all the power to build relays straight down one side as quick as possible whilst building a forge. Use all upgrades on packet speed and build speed.

When half the relays are built build two cannons and a sprayer half way along and as soon as they are built send them up to the spore.

Build about 6-8 beams.

Take out spore, nullify the big guy

I did it in 4.28 but bet Alter could do it in under 3 mins.

I think you leave these 'holes' on purpose PH and it is why we love your maps so much, there is always so much to them and are equally fun to play conventionally or to try to find a sneaky way through!


Nicely done Warren, I got a bit closer but I wont be able to shave those last 30 secs, great time.

I forgot about the PZ in the middle!


I made a few mistakes. My time is probably 20 seconds short.