Custom Map #2575: Guppy time. By: builder17

Started by AutoPost, September 25, 2015, 12:51:19 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2575: Guppy time

Author: builder17
Size: 256x20

#Guppyimportant #Suprisinglosepossible #Runners #Nospores


I don't get it. I nullified everything, shot everything, but the game doesn't terminate.
What is the victory condition?
Your puny map is no match for my Turtle Power!


Quote from: isj4 on September 25, 2015, 03:39:46 PM
I don't get it. I nullified everything, shot everything, but the game doesn't terminate.
What is the victory condition?

is there a tech or message artifact? you need to collect those too
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


Build some beams.

I don't get why I need a guppy?

Still, interesting map, nice work

Peter R


Ahhh. Thanks.
The things the beams can shoot just looked like some other custom enemies I saw on another map.

Has anyone discovered what the #surprisinglosepossible tag is about?
Your puny map is no match for my Turtle Power!

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: isj4 on September 25, 2015, 03:39:46 PM
I don't get it. I nullified everything, shot everything, but the game doesn't terminate.
What is the victory condition?

It's one of these maps where you have to build a beam to take out a stationary object.  There's no strategy to such things, just a gotcha.


Just realised the importance of the guppy, very useful for a speed run!


Quote from: isj4 on September 25, 2015, 06:38:58 PM
Ahhh. Thanks.
The things the beams can shoot just looked like some other custom enemies I saw on another map.

Has anyone discovered what the #surprisinglosepossible tag is about?

#suprisinglosepossible tag means you can be suprised digitalis grown and opened way for creeper into your base when you was in eastern part of map.


Alright Alter Old, how in the world did you get this under a minute? I can't even begin to think how it's possible.


What a riddle. I can occasionally work out how Alter gets his scores, can never actually reproduce them! This score though has me totally bamboozled. 3 nulifiers + beams and relays to tale out the blue nodes.

I think with the correct configuration of collectors and upgrades you can land a CN next to the big emitter and take it out, another CN takes out the 3 units to the right leaving a guppy supported at 30 secs by 3rd CN to take out the left side. I can't make this work but I think I could with practice and get to 1:30 secs but still does not explain how Alter did it as I am sure there is another way!

Share the magic Alter!  :D



Quote from: D0m0nik on October 06, 2015, 03:49:34 PM
What a riddle. I can occasionally work out how Alter gets his scores, can never actually reproduce them! This score though has me totally bamboozled. 3 nulifiers + beams and relays to tale out the blue nodes.

I think with the correct configuration of collectors and upgrades you can land a CN next to the big emitter and take it out, another CN takes out the 3 units to the right leaving a guppy supported at 30 secs by 3rd CN to take out the left side. I can't make this work but I think I could with practice and get to 1:30 secs but still does not explain how Alter did it as I am sure there is another way!

Share the magic Alter!  :D
You only need one nullifier. ;)


Alter Old

The small analysis of a maps (!Half-machine translation!).

Nulifier lives in creeper 8 seconds. Building and complete filling Nulifier with sufficient resources and closely located CN default takes 45 seconds (air) to 45.7 seconds (land). Consequently, for the initial evaluation of a map need to run it in 37-38 seconds to see  where for this time will reach creeper. The picture below shows safe (land) and conditionally safe (select) location Nulifiers:

Now you can restart the game by placing 2 CN and Nulifier near Inhibitor to destroy it and ensure that it is not enough to win. Easily find out what blue CRPLCore are destroyed by using the Beam. Look, what is the minimum number of Beams we need given the PZ that give in 2 times more radius and 4 times higher speed (CRPLCore regenerate, the speed and efficiency of defeat several more). Can this be done on a map with a partially destroyed enemy units, or can be evaluated on the original map:
min Beams


The grey translucent zone shows us where will finish PZ-Beam - I use it as a ruler. Accuracy of an assessment can be seen on following pictures:


Left PZ-Beam can destroy four CRPLCore. Six more (on three to the left and to the right) are destroyed from central PZ, four - from right PZ. There are two CRPLCore in the left part of a map which PZ-Beam do not reach, for them it is necessary to construct separate Beam (or to move the most left after destruction CRPLCore, but it longer).

Thus, Inhibitor can be destroyed by two CN. They are also used for the construction of the right Beam is a protected place, behind the wall, then they should be positioned so that they are connected with each other and reached both up to Nulifier, and up to Beam.
At this time in the left part of a card completely charged Guppy it is used for construction Beam in PZ on seat of a reactor, relay to the center of a card and Beam for 5 and 6 at the left CRPLCore. To pull Guppy through all card to the right there is no sense because long and advantage of it there will be a little. But through 30+3 seconds after the start of the map in our possession will be another CN and, as the center of the map Beam is built after all, it is advisable to ground the CN somewhere.

As soon as the thread relay, connecting energy syphon and the center of a map will be finished, our central CN will turn to a powerful energy source. It enables us to build a few Beams (for example, three, on number PZ). In addition it is necessary to provide decoys for Runners that they have not broken off communication with energy syphon.

And finally, a bonus. All this time we have worked Forge, and we can choose wisely upgrades. This map can give a prize Build Speed, Packet Speed, Energy Efficiency and Move Speed, but when and what to improve - this is a matter of practice. It is understood that CN's on the right side map need of additional energy, so there must build several Collectors.

And yet: it is advisable to charge the Beams (3 charge per CPLCore for PZ-Beam and 13 - that is completely - for normal)), and then use, because CRPLCore pretty quickly regenerated.

Maybe someone will understand what I wrote :), and willing to experiment with a map, so video will post later.
As usual, forgive for my English.