Custom Map #2566: Enoraw Gambit. By: Menz

Started by AutoPost, September 23, 2015, 06:11:39 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2566: Enoraw Gambit

Author: Menz
Size: 256x160

A clasic map without scripts. You can build maximum two Bertha cannons. Difficulty: Very hard if you accept the gambit. Normal if you play safe. There might be solutions which I am not aware of.


Excellent battle map, lots of elements to balance and possibly a few ways to attack it.

I tried to hold the middle with a beam on the PZ left once you take out the emitter. Then held the top left whilst sending a guppy to develop the top right. Lasted about 20 mins.

In the end used two CNs to hold top left whilst developing a base top middle and grabbing 3 pzs to the south as quick as poss


But what is the gambit? Didn't understand that bit of the description.

Lots of spores - make sure you have enough energy to deal with them.


RrR - I think the gambit is the small island in the middle. I think it is a deliberate distraction (or challenge??). I certainly fell for it and tried to hold the middle for a while. Very challenging though. The spores are indeed draining but nicely timed, I like how they ramp up.


Very good fight.
I noticed after I was done that you put a lot of time and effort into the design of the terrain - but there was so much Creeper during the game that it was unseen.
Personally, I would have preferred more Totems, even if I had to fight to get them. It was pretty slow going waiting for the upgrades.
Very enjoyable map and I'm looking forward to your next one.
Thanks for putting this up for us to play.


Thank you for the nice feedback.
I created now an account on the forum to answer :)
I feel like a public person now. :)

This was my first map.
I was not sure if people will like it or if it will be too easy.

To add totems is indeed a good ideea.
I have some ideas for new maps but I need more time and ... dedication.
Until I will be able to create a different map I will upload a second version of this map with the forced gambit solution and with totems.

Loren Pechtel

I can't even hold the top, let alone the middle.


Quote from: Loren Pechtel on September 29, 2015, 12:34:37 PM
I can't even hold the top, let alone the middle.

Here is an F12 screen grab at about one minute:
(Note: I should have grabbed the Guppy. It would have made for a much better time.)


I attached a map of my run at 4.40, bit of a different technique.

I used the bertha to keep the top right safe and occasionally to assist with taking out the 3 PX south of the right hand base.
