Custom Map #2555: Resource ParaE. By: anikino

Started by AutoPost, September 22, 2015, 04:32:18 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2555: Resource ParaE

Author: anikino
Size: 60x60

Made a map, it's the sequel to "Resource Para". Have fun! *The last of Resource Para maps (I think.) #NoSingularity #Digitalis #UnitLimits #NoCRPL #Inhibitor #NoBertha


10/10 massive entertainment and challenge value for such a small size.  Had to squeeze every drop of energy out to finish it.  Some advice that worked for me:

- don't start with blasters or mortars initially, they just make the creeper leak out.
- use an early sniper on a PZ to neutralise the threat of bugs
- take care extending weapon range until you can defend from leaking creeper.
- during the course of the game I found my self moving reactors etc quite a bit to fit weapons in the right areas
- ended up with a fair bit of terrain terraformed to 10 by the end (took ages)
- spread out collectors to make the most of them.
- once everything upgraded, turn of the tech points (I forget what they're called), but not the forge.


Loren Pechtel

I don't get it.  I've cleared the NW emitters but I can't crack the center.  There's no singularity here and without it I can't clear a beachhead next to the inhibitor.  The two SE emitters appear to be invulnerable.


Thanks for playing my map!  :)

The North-south "corners" emitters are not to be destroyed as the main target is the inhibitor.
Once the emitters that are near the inhibitor are destroyed, it should be manageable.

After destroying the emitters near the inhibitor, ensure that you have your sprayer ready as the anti-creeper will act as a buffer to allow the placement of the nullifier. Make sure that the area is terraformed to allow reach.

By allowing singularity would allow quick completion of the game. (Unlike the original "Resource Para", that map really needs it.)


I currently have the best score (23 minutes) and here's how I did it:


First thing is to nullify the NW emitters. This can be done at the start of the game by using the PZ.
I nullified all my other AC emitters too. Most get mortars, one gets a cannon and the terrain height raised to 10.
Thats all really, keep pounding and upgrading.
The landing area to the NW of the center can take a relay and something else. I put a Sprayer then a nullifier on the PZ there.

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: anikino on September 22, 2015, 11:37:19 AM
Thanks for playing my map!  :)

The North-south "corners" emitters are not to be destroyed as the main target is the inhibitor.
Once the emitters that are near the inhibitor are destroyed, it should be manageable.

After destroying the emitters near the inhibitor, ensure that you have your sprayer ready as the anti-creeper will act as a buffer to allow the placement of the nullifier. Make sure that the area is terraformed to allow reach.

By allowing singularity would allow quick completion of the game. (Unlike the original "Resource Para", that map really needs it.)

I see no way to strike either SE emitter.


Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.


Can see the difficulty here. I hope this helps.


Use of bombers can be helpful though I forgot to mention in my previous reply as I did not use any air units during testing.
As far as I know this is one of sure fire way to have placement of nullifer without it blowing up.

And for destroying the inhibitor, try using sprayer at the point above to allow the anti-creeper to create a buffer for the nullifer.
The rest of the emitters cannot be destroyed.

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: anikino on September 23, 2015, 09:38:24 AM
Can see the difficulty here. I hope this helps.


Use of bombers can be helpful though I forgot to mention in my previous reply as I did not use any air units during testing.
As far as I know this is one of sure fire way to have placement of nullifer without it blowing up.

And for destroying the inhibitor, try using sprayer at the point above to allow the anti-creeper to create a buffer for the nullifer.
The rest of the emitters cannot be destroyed.

I have no idea how you managed to kill the SE emitter next to the inhibitor.

As for the rest of them that can't be destroyed--the PZ on the west island will let you kill the NW emitters (and it kills the W anti-emitters also.)


Quote from: Loren Pechtel on September 23, 2015, 01:27:22 PM
Quote from: anikino on September 23, 2015, 09:38:24 AM
Can see the difficulty here. I hope this helps.


Use of bombers can be helpful though I forgot to mention in my previous reply as I did not use any air units during testing.
As far as I know this is one of sure fire way to have placement of nullifer without it blowing up.

And for destroying the inhibitor, try using sprayer at the point above to allow the anti-creeper to create a buffer for the nullifer.
The rest of the emitters cannot be destroyed.

I have no idea how you managed to kill the SE emitter next to the inhibitor.

As for the rest of them that can't be destroyed--the PZ on the west island will let you kill the NW emitters (and it kills the W anti-emitters also.)

Sorry I did not get what you have said on clearing the NW emitters but the SW emitters seems to out of reach. :-\
Now I know what you meant by clearing the NW emitters.

The west-top power zone allows the nullifer to be placed, allowing the NW emitter to be destroyed quickly.
I have completely missed that and by the original plan, it was not to be destroyed by nullifers early into the game.
When I played the map again I had left all of the anti-emitters and the North-most emitters alive.
The only way I could think of is to use bomber to create a buffer between the creeper and the nullifer to allow clearing the SE emitter.

Increasing range and fire power with the use of sprayer makes it easier but the limit will be the amount of anti-creeper.
That can be problematic for some sprayer placement. Taking up excess anti-creeper from the west platform will help slightly.

I hope that helps. ;)
