Custom Map #2455: B733 Min-1. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, September 02, 2015, 10:15:58 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2455: B733 Min-1

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 213x93



how do you do this? the runners keep flooding me
Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.

Loren Pechtel

Fiendish, but I got it after being wiped 4 times.  (Admittedly, one of those was due to something going wrong with the game, I became unable to delete anything.)

What I found worked was to pretty much turtle.  I focused on aether.  I built level 10 pads near the aether (and also for my base but it turned out not to matter on the base) and tried to kill nearby structures with little success.  I cautiously used one sprayer to clear creep off the islands.  Put as much redundancy into your paths as possible so the packets have a better chance of working around stun.  You'll need to forward-place beams to protect your anything beyond your start island, rotate these back for recharging as you can't get enough packets through the stun until you manage to claim that one PZ.  At that point I was able to keep a beam charged without eternal rotation.

Once I was fully teched up I replaced three of the relays around the aether with cannons.  I lost most of my stuff beyond the core island but I was able to hold the PZ.  Being at level 10 provided enough protection that one of the three survived the onslaught and quickly cleared the pads for new cannons.  At this point it was simply a matter of slowly marching on the nullifier.  Place as many cannons as possible and have a defense in depth, the front line gets breached at times.  There's a couple more PZs you can take, as soon as they are not on the front lines put a beam on them to stop the spores so you don't have to use frontline space for beams.
