Custom Map #2452: No Weapons. By: Shots243

Started by AutoPost, September 01, 2015, 03:46:46 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2452: No Weapons

Author: Shots243
Size: 90x90

(Sorry, no shield key bonus :/) You only have 1 means to defend yourself. It is the very thing you point with. Destroy all enemies to win. Periodical AC rain. Shields essential. #CRPL #Shields

Peter R


Very innovative! It felt like a PlayAsCreeperAsHuman game.  ;D


Wow, amazing map,  I was really impressed by how the map worked.  I look forward to seeing more of your maps :D


Fun new dynamic.  The need for micromanagement means that a much more complicated map would get tedious fast.


Not bad. You should work with more terrain modifications for increased playability.

Quote from: Peter R on September 01, 2015, 05:01:39 AM
Funny new concept   8)

nah, it's not new. It does make things more difficult though.
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

Loren Pechtel

Challenge accepted.

"Shields essential"????

I beat it without a single shield.

I terped 10-high wall around my base--a real pain to keep the creeper out while I was doing that.  Once it was done, though, there was no threat, I could terp islands in the creeper to reach the emitters.  If you walked away a level 10 wall would eventually be topped it would take a long time, so long as you are on the offense this isn't going to happen.

But what is someone named "Shots" doing making a no-weapons map?!?!