Custom Map #2407: EqL2.1. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, August 17, 2015, 04:09:59 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2407: EqL2.1

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 167x93



I'd give a nickel to see someone manage to save the Forge.
The bugs are giving me a harder time than normal. I can usually avoid killing them until I want to.
Will re-try later.


I don't get your comment Helper...  I never lost the forge and I even had my blindfold on.  :)

Blessings my friend.

P.S.  There is another forge available


I just destroyed the forge and rebuilt it nearer to a safer place.  8)


Challenge accepted Helper!

Managed to hold it for about 4 minutes but those bugs are very sensitive, couldn't keep it long term.

A couple of quick forges guppys are all you need to stop the runner nests before they are activated

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: pastor.healer on August 17, 2015, 01:17:53 PM
I don't get your comment Helper...  I never lost the forge and I even had my blindfold on.  :)

Blessings my friend.

P.S.  There is another forge available

You can save the forge?!  I totally don't see how!

I let it die and simply built up a base.  A guppy took out the nasty spore tower, a few beams stopped the other one.  The guppy took out the emitter in the west, then raids with terps gave me the east PZ and cleared space to drop CNs close enough to the anti-air to kill it, and the last spore tower.  With the anti-air down I got the last runner nest, then it was just killing the gazillion bugs that had already formed.


Loren, stop exaggerating.... there were on 900 million bugs  :)


I always like the 'bunker down' method, and it was the only way I got this one to work.  That is, I built a wall near my base and just built up until I could hold off enough creeper with mortars and cannons, then slowly worked my way east. 

Got the wee west island early, but didn't find it too useful except for building a PZ bertha.  Ok, that was useful, but couldn't use the rest of the space on it.

Liked it quite a bit.
