Custom Map #2288: Proc1. By: xMehmetx

Started by AutoPost, July 08, 2015, 04:24:06 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2288: Proc1

Author: xMehmetx
Size: 256x256


Peter R

The map is ok.
Making Thor or Bertha's had no impact, though I started building them at the beginning of the game, they were not ready when the game ended.

It was the slowest game I ever played. My PC was 15% busy, but the time-counter counted 0.2 secunds every secund. Everything moved very slow.
What is the reason for this delay?
And how can performance be improved?


As the game is single threaded, 15% cpu consumption is close to max on a six-core or eight-core machine.  Remember that the game pauses when you switch out to check. Reduce resolution if you need more speed.

Peter R


Loren Pechtel

Quote from: Peter R on July 10, 2015, 08:18:22 AM
The map is ok.
Making Thor or Bertha's had no impact, though I started building them at the beginning of the game, they were not ready when the game ended.

Yeah.  My Berthas were ready but for what?  They don't have enough punch to matter.  The Thor was built but not charged.

QuoteIt was the slowest game I ever played. My PC was 15% busy, but the time-counter counted 0.2 secunds every secund. Everything moved very slow.
What is the reason for this delay?
And how can performance be improved?

Big map, lots of units the game lags badly.  15% busy means you have a 6-core machine, it was saturating one of them.

There's nothing here that warrants such a big map.  Even super-emitters like the inhibitor can be pushed back enough by a wall of fully upgraded cannons that the nullifier can be placed.  Build your base, march your cannon wall forward.