Custom Map #2123: everything is chrome. By: coldwarwolf

Started by AutoPost, June 05, 2015, 03:18:07 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2123: everything is chrome

Author: coldwarwolf
Size: 155x155

in the future


Sick reference bro. Your references are out of control, everyone knows that.
Reference game aside, the map is a fun little slog to the center of the chrome. It's possible to cut off the digitalis with strafers, but doing so releases a lot of creeper if you're in the midgame already. The terrain isn't very interesting, so I'd suggest putting in a bit more varied terrain, like another circle around the chrome in the middle or something. Also, what I didn't enjoy were the pastorhealer runners, which were a nuisance, but not that dangerous. They were extremely challenging to overcome in the last circle in the middle, and I still can't figure out how to get past the big glob of creeper that they keep filling up in the center. The lack of any Berthas made it pretty much impossible to get next to the inhibitor too. Overall, this was a pretty fun map, not too hard until you get to the very center, which is really hard.


Quote from: Asbestos on June 05, 2015, 09:53:45 PM
Sick reference bro. Your references are out of control, everyone knows that.
Reference game aside, the map was a fun little slog to the center of the chrome. It's possible to cut off the digitalis with strafers, but doing so releases a lot of creeper if you're in the midgame already. The terrain isn't very interesting, so I'd suggest putting in a bit more varied terrain, like another circle around the chrome in the middle or something.

I tend to not spend much time on these maps, most of the time its how I burn my self out to sleep at night :P

I experimented with a few ideas on how to make this interesting but I tend to just have more fun making the art then I do actually making the map, That and by the time im done with the pixel art im very much drunk  ;D

If only i knew how to use the code stuffs


A plain vanilla map with surprises sprinkled on top.  Once I got established and started expanding, I built my first sniper.  What a surprise.  But in a good way.  Runners that release a huge amount of creeper are challenging, but that's what the Forge is for.  The other thing I liked was everything that needed to be nullified was all in one place.  A Terp would have nice to get around a few problems.  A few Berthas would sped up the game.  I like a challenging start with a long, slow finish.
I respect those who quote me the least.


i like easier maps as i get stump by tough ones sometimes
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Fun map. Normally you don't want to stack so many items on top of each other -- can't read the popup text to see what you're actually up against. However, sometimes the aesthetics overide that, and this would be one of those cases.

I like the way the AE Tower didn't quite cover the edges of the 3 central digitalis spokes, allowing a way to cut off the digitalis from the main area.

Quote from: Coldwarwolf on June 05, 2015, 10:09:45 PM
If only i knew how to use the code stuffs

If you have some ideas you'd like to try out, post in the code forum, and I'm sure you'll get a little help.
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Loren Pechtel