Creeper production

Started by PowerChaos, May 20, 2015, 02:31:22 PM

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Bug: Creeper height level never exceeds emitter amount.

Here are demonstration in Map Editor: (image attached)
The emitters are set with amount 9, interval 240 (8s) for easier observation.
They are on ground 1 with a wall 10 surrounding them.

I observe that the creeper never overflow out of the wall.
After further observations, I conclude that, instead of ADDING 9 to the current creeper height, they SET current creeper height to 9. If the current creeper height is higher than 9, the emitter has no effect.

I don't know if this is intended or not. Can someone give me some insight on this?


That is intended behavior.  The emitter checks and will emit the difference in current creeper and it's maximum. Then the algorithms for creeper flow may take some to the surrounding cells.

You can in fact build a barrier of zero-height emitters surrounding a 2000-strong emitter and totally cap it that way. No-one has done it yet in CW3, but I made a map like that way back in CW1.


From a CRPL standpoint, emitters use SetCreeperNoLower and not AddCreeper simply because adding creeper often makes much, much more creeper, and it would be rather hard to balance because AddCreeper's outputs put down an unlimited amount of pressurized creeper instead of a limited capped pressure.


You also tend to find 2000 as the strongest emitters in the game, because it's near the cap (2147.483647 to be precise). Add more creeper on top of that, and the internal integer rolls negative, turning it into a pile of anti-creeper.
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