Custom Map #1898: The Timer. By: theo

Started by AutoPost, March 26, 2015, 07:18:10 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1898: The Timer

Author: theo
Size: 256x256

[ACRift 2] This map is optional, the shield key will give you bonuses in the next map. Can you defeat a corrupted inhibitor-beam, corrupted relays and a lot of digitalis? You have only 35 ore packets, will you use them to active the ac rain devices or waste them. If you're playing for highscores the good luck... you'll need it. #Space Insland #CRPL:Corrupted Beam by ThirdParty CorruptedRelay and SubspaceSlip Artificial AntiEmmiter by me #ACAssist #Space Insland #ACRift Series #MaxSize #Hard


Very clever concept. I ran all over the map trying different things, and only figured it out purely by accident.
A really fun game and will give it another go.


Figuring something out purely by accident is no fun for me - I have no clue


It's normally up to the map maker to provide 'Spoilers', so I'll only give a slight hint:
One of your units is limited and expensive.
Ask yourself why the maker would do that.


Quote from: Helper on March 26, 2015, 06:52:39 PM
It's normally up to the map maker to provide 'Spoilers', so I'll only give a slight hint:
One of your units is limited and expensive.
Ask yourself why the maker would do that.
The beam was supposed to be hard, this is why the terp is expensive, and this map is "optional" it gives you bonuses in my next map. Did you wonder why it has a shield key? If you win the map you receive bonuses in my next map. It is not part of the main storyline.
Also the solution is to upgrade packet speed, build speed, defeat everything that is not in the range of the beam before attacking the beam and activate the ac rain devices. When I played it to prove it was beatable  I lost the ac, it was very hard to win. And if you didn't notice the beam is a inhibitor. If you destroy it the other emmiters and relays will be destroyed.


Also if you didn't notice destroying relay 4 doesn not destroy 3, 5 does not destroy 2 but 2 destroys 6 and 1 destroys everything. I hope my relay will win a place in the corrupted units thread.


If you wonder what's the bonus, I'll tell you: if you get the shield key you have infinite fire freezes in the next map, with a delay of course. After the first fire freeze ends it takes about 500 frames for another one to be thrown. You will be able to lock the target so that the fire freezes are automatically sent once they're ready. The fire freeze script is already ready, other scripts are not ready.


Looking forward to seeing it in action.
When will it be posted?


Quote from: Helper on March 28, 2015, 07:36:53 AM
Looking forward to seeing it in action.
When will it be posted?
Once I make the unit corrupted work.

Loren Pechtel

From reading the comments it seems we somehow use the terp to win this.  The beam seems to kill from beyond terp range, I don't see it.

I beat it by brute force--it's only got a limited number of targets it can engage at once, I offered it up enough cannons that it missed the nullifier on the fourth try.

Something strange is going on--I tried a singularity shot, the first one vanished soon after firing, I didn't note what happened to it.  The second persisted normally.


The beam cannot fire at
targets lower that itself

Johnny Haywire

Once I saw the terp, I kinda figured how it should be used. Need a hint? "Duck!"

Orrrr... the beam fires at flying things, right? Now, what thing do you have that can tank a LOT of damage and can fly right over the beam? So yeah, pick either solution. I did a bit of both.
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?