Changing Spore Colour

Started by Xeos, February 15, 2015, 01:42:31 PM

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Hi Guys,
Could anyone tell me how to change the spore colour from Blue please? I have been looking at this for ages..

I have been trying to use the SetImageColor(Self "Main" 0 255 0 255) function in the SporeTower Script in the PAC scripts but this will change the spore cannon image but I can't see how to change the spore itself.

Any help is much appreciated :)
A child of 5 could beat this map ... Go fetch a child of 5 !


You will have to make the spore tower spawn CRPL cores which act like spores. Then you can set the image of those cores to whatever you want.
Pretty sure I'm supposed to be banned, someone might want to get on that.

Quote from: GoodMorning on December 01, 2016, 05:58:30 PM"Build a ladder to the moon" is simple as a sentence, but actually doing it is not.


Oh ok . It would be great if I could find the actual spore code then change it but it's embed in the game isn't it?
I will see if I can learn how to do that and many thanks for helping  :)
A child of 5 could beat this map ... Go fetch a child of 5 !


I made exactly that awhile back trying to imitate some CW1 style maps. Actually I made spores that launch from the edges of the map and can be taken out by a custom SAM Launcher. Anyway, there's code there to handle a CRPL spore in an arc trajectory spinning it's way to a target location. I don't think it'll do exactly what you want, but it'll give you something to start from.

Grayzzur's Maps

Yes, the built-in spores are core game units, and not CRPL-based.
"Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named 'Enterprise.'" -William T. Riker


Hey Grayzzur those scripts were really cool - I loved the SAM missile turrets  ;D - I am a complete noob on coding so I will try and work my way through it and get it to do what I want - Which is have spore cannon as in a standard PAC map but with a different colour - I have just modified your image1 spore to the colour I want and I am trying to work out how I can get this to work in the original spore code in a PAC map ! :)
Thanks again.
A child of 5 could beat this map ... Go fetch a child of 5 !