Custom Map #1736: Nuhage N#63. By: Nuhages

Started by AutoPost, February 15, 2015, 12:19:13 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1736: Nuhage N#63

Author: Nuhages
Size: 141x80

Play as Creeper Map N#10 Have Fun. Feel Free To Rate and comment on Forum. Credits For PaC coding goes to stewbasic, stdout , teknotiss and Hubs. All you need for building a Pac map is on the Forum. #PAC


Great map - thank you! Another one that's got several possibilities, most of which are tricky. I really enjoyed this one. :)


Omnipotence doesn't mean the ability to do what is logically impossible. It's possible, therefore, for God to create beings with the kind of free will that can choose between good and evil, but he can't also force those creatures to choose good. If he forced their choice, it wouldn't be free.


You're maps are just brutal. :'(  There are some players here that like maps like these but from my perspective, it gets to a point where it becomes a bit of a slog for me so I don't get as much enjoyment from it as I would like to and looking at the ratings, maybe some other players feel like that too maybe? I do admire your work though and do not wish to take anything away from that as people here do obviously like it :)
A child of 5 could beat this map ... Go fetch a child of 5 !

Loren Pechtel

Yet another map that I can't figure out how to crack the base.


Wow, this was the easiest Nuhage map I've played. Maybe I got lucky.  Here's what I did:


Once I got the 2 PZ with cannons just below the center base, I made everything emitters and was able to push from the right PZ to the right of the center base and took out the forge. From their I took out the 4 beams in the center base and got a few spores to cut it off from the other bases and take out the reactors. From there some well timed spores easily took out the other 2 bases.