Custom Map #1710: Practice. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, February 05, 2015, 10:03:07 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1710: Practice

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 179x97

Watch your feet...



Who taught PH to use CRPL? That was never going to end well!


RrR: actual laughter was produced. You've whet my appetite so I'm heading over to give the map a try.



Okay, that was crazy. Had a blast, PH!! Thank you.


Once I got the hang of the phantom spore towers, it was quite fun. I can imagine a lot of downloaders rage-quitting though.   :P
Twas a sad day when we mothballed Creeper World for Particle Fleet.


RrR... I am so glad to see you back.  And stdout... thanks!

I have spent the last few days looking at coding and am just playing around.  Some of it just doesn't make
any sense.  I have spent years programming in VB, but this language seems very rustic to me.  Somewhere
between VB and Assembly. 

What is throwing me is whether I want to learn another language.  I still play with HTML5 and CSS and to
rethink coding seems like a stretch right now.  So, I'm cutting and pasting code and playing with the
variables to see how I can change it up a bit. 

Thanks for the comments all!



Wow PH, that was different, that took me ages to figure out but very fun level in the end, good stuff


Thanks DOmOnik!  That means a lot from you.

Blessings  :)


I tried this one when it first appeared and couldn't get anywhere.
After playing "Split Yten", I was able to come back and figure it out.
Yet another PH game that requires a second play through, after fumbling through it the first time.
I'll give it another go later.
Good stuff, PH - thanks!
