Custom Map #1619: System RrR. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, January 17, 2015, 03:34:29 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1619: System RrR

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 191x97



So far, fun but tough.
Break time, then a(nother) restart.


Helper, you are great! 

What you want to do is set your CN on top of the emitter on the right.  Then build thirty some nullifers and place them
all over your dining room table.  Hmmmm, no... that doesn't sound right.  Ok...  Let's try this again.  You want to set your CN
somewhere on the game board.  Then...

Blessings my friend.



Perfect advice!
Actually, I threw everything at it but the kitchen sink, at it worked.
Best game yet - and I will get back for another run.


Do my eyes deceive me!  Yea!  Nice going Helper!




I realized something about half way through and tried it.
I'm thinking our friend RrR will be posting a sub-ten minute time, because I KNOW he will see the same thing.


I think I am going to make you a special game Helper!  :)


We need to get you making some CW2 maps.
I'm thinking you could have some fun with that style.
Standing by for your next one.


Helper, you asked, you got it!  Next....

And as far as CW2...  Are you asking me to go backwards so as to leave the team 1?


Quote from: pastor.healer on January 17, 2015, 11:08:45 PM
And as far as CW2...  Are you asking me to go backwards so as to leave the team 1?

Nay, nay kind sir! These are much too much fun to ever suggest that.
My intention was that you expand your horizons and share the wealth with the CW2 universe.
I still play a couple of those a day just to keep my hand in the game.

Ouch! Just starting my day and took a peek at the new one. Going to have to ponder that one for a while.


I am quite sure there is a very quick and easy way to beat this map, as Helper said no doubt RrR will post a sub 10 min time before long.

I accidentally popped a few runners so took longer than necessary

If you land just off to the right of centre below where the digitalis comes straight down you can build 4 or 5 collectors, 3 spores, one blaster to guard the digitalis and then work your way down to the bottom left with relays and take out the big emitter. I don't know if this shortcut was intended but I found this very easy for a PH map!/spoiler]




Loren Pechtel

While I don't see the high speed approach this is much easier than most of his stuff.