Custom Map #1600: Nuhage N#55 pac. By: Nuhages

Started by AutoPost, January 13, 2015, 06:12:41 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1600: Nuhage N#55 pac

Author: Nuhages
Size: 100x100

Play as Creeper Map N#2 Have Fun. Feel Free To Rate and comment on Forum. Credits For PaC coding goes to stewbasic, stdout , teknotiss and Hubs. All you need for Pac map is on Forum. #PAC



Support the top emitter with the lower one, and set the top to burst mode so that the bursts will destroy the nullifiers while they are trying to be built. Simultaneously expand your digitalis network and then just start the long slog.


stdout resumed it perfectly.
I made a dream ... was map making on CW4


Wow, another slog, but I got there in the end - thanks, Nuhages. :)

I used a different tactic for starting (probably not the best and definitely not the fastest, but it was easier for me, nonetheless):

I used the bottom emitter as the main one and worked my way around the bottom left and up the left. Then I worked on the other side and got a couple more PZs, which helped for the top half.


Hey guys.

I am stucking as much as hell...


Looking at your screenie, I'd personally do the following:

Don't concentrate too much on the top emitter. Point your spore tower at the bottom left (or right) to encourage creeper to the totems. You'll get an enhanced spread of creeper then. Also, you could get your spore tower to drop creeper on the void areas around the bottom emitter and fill that part in, which will help you push creeper (by diverting the mortar elsewhere).


Thanks for reply.

I understand what you are talking about, but maybe its too late in fact off all that anti creeper. Should I restart the map?
I can't push my creeper to one of the sides, no left, no right. Bertha and Mortar interrupts every action.


Brilliant! :) Glad to help. I'm no expert on these maps even though I love them to bits, and I do ask for help myself on occasion so it's great to be able to give some back. Enjoy! :)


This map was brutal but had some really nice elements to it. I loved the start. It's a good balance between offering a challenge right away, but it's still possible. I also liked that you really had to work for each PZ and once you got it you still had to defend it so it didn't get nullified.