Custom Map #1586: Mixing Vats. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, January 09, 2015, 11:38:21 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1586: Mixing Vats

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 179x97



Glad to see you back with a new map, PH.

Now, why did you rank your own map as a 1/10?


I actually don't rate my maps.  That's interesting. 

Likewise, I am glad to see you doing well on the maps.  I hope you have a great 2015!

Blessings  :)


You were the only score published and it had a ranking of 1.

I beat the map and gave it a 10 and at that point, only you and I were on the board. I think you have to beat a map before you can give it a score so I assumed it was you.


You can rate a map once you've downloaded and played the map, but you don't have to wait to complete it. The 1 rating was probably just someone who really didn't like the difficulty.


I didn't know that, thanks Asbestos. Well, my rating helped his average.  8)

Loren Pechtel

Vicious as always.  I lost about half my base when the first round of runners died--and I lost my forge in the process, fortunately just after getting off a singularity shot.  I managed to hold the line against the creeper and from that point on it was just mopping up.  4 of the runner nests were quite killable with a guppy, I don't know about the fifth as it was unapproachable due to a spill from a failed attempt to build a base near it.

One ding, though--the island with the totems is packed so densely you can only get about 2/3 of them.


Glad you enjoyed.  Loren, I made the same mistake with the island.  It is possible to get all the totems in one pass.  Placement of the link
has to be right.  Anyway, bless all who try it and give up, try it and get through it, try it and beat everyone's scores. 

stdout, good to see you as well.  Asbestos, thanks for the input.  I didn't know that either.



Quote from: pastor.healer on January 10, 2015, 01:39:22 AM
Glad you enjoyed.  Loren, I made the same mistake with the island.  It is possible to get all the totems in one pass.  Placement of the link
has to be right.  Anyway, bless all who try it and give up, try it and get through it, try it and beat everyone's scores. 

stdout, good to see you as well.  Asbestos, thanks for the input.  I didn't know that either.


hey p.h, i think that if you reduced the runner C amounts by about 40% it'd make these maps less "never come back" and more "rage quit and return" at least for me. if it was just a "really, really large" amount of C instead of "huge great ridiculous waves" of C it'd still be un-doable if you got it badly wrong, but there'd be more recovery opportunities.
the main reason is the lack of safe CN spaces, if you have to reload (say cos those runners get a spot of AC on them ::)) the CN you landed (and for some reason isn't stunned, at all from landing) is then targeted for nullifying, so reloading is not do-able really.
shame cos i like your map ideas, but replaying from the start each time and waiting find the next hazard isn't my cup of tea.
unless it's my game that's broken?  ;)
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


Usually with PH's maps, the key is to nullify everything without popping any runners. Basically if you pop runners, you've likely lost the game and need to start over again (or at the last safe save spot.)


Another great map, again a real challenge. I feel I could reduce my time if I got the guppys going a bit earlier, it took me a while to realise the strategy! However I am suitably traumatised for now and so will have to come back at a later date!


Thanks D0m0nik!  Nice to hear you enjoyed it.  Blessings to you.



Just a suggestion stdout, I don't usually play that way.  I usually build the defenses needed for brute force.  I find
playing that way easier than trying to wait on the guppy's.  There is a time to use both.  I'm pretty sure RrR uses
brute force.  Hello RrR?  :)


I make sure never to harm a single runner. I built zero mortars, zero blasters, zero berthas and zero straffers. Just a couple of beams and a couple of bombers.


I'm with RrR.

On this map I built nullifiers everywhere, enabled but disarmed. When they were all charged, I selected them all and armed them and all at once they destroyed everything on the map. It was awesome.