A core to change the music track

Started by Courtesy, December 26, 2014, 10:37:38 AM

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Is there any ability to make a core that plays different tunes?


Due to issues with licensing and distribution of music rights, there will not ever be the possibility to include user-selected music components in a game being uploaded to Virgil's servers. At best you can advise people what tracks you want them to listen to.


Ah. I see. I created a perfect recreation of one of CW1's maps and wanted to use CW1's music.
If Virgil sees this, would you consider adding an ability to select which track from CW3, or previous CW titles, we can have play on our map?[/?]. I understand wanting to avoid people using licensed music... that can get very, very nasty pretty quickly. CW3's music just gives me a headache after a while.