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map idea

Started by Arghh, December 12, 2014, 09:35:08 AM

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I'm very new to creating maps, and I wonder if this idea is possible.  I'm hoping one of our experienced folks could give some pointers.

my basic vision is a map that starts out covered in deep creeper
as the mission starts, one command module is set to land in the middle of the creeper, it would probably take some damage initially...
as the ship lands, a singularity is fired and collects the creeper into a massively tall point, clearing at least a small safe area around the ship.  the object would be to build up quickly and wipe out the creeper in the singularity before the timer runs out.
I dont see any way to build a singularity on the map editor.

Any ideas if this would be possible?



Quote from: Arghh on December 12, 2014, 09:35:08 AM
I'm very new to creating maps, and I wonder if this idea is possible.  I'm hoping one of our experienced folks could give some pointers.

my basic vision is a map that starts out covered in deep creeper
as the mission starts, one command module is set to land in the middle of the creeper, it would probably take some damage initially...
as the ship lands, a singularity is fired and collects the creeper into a massively tall point, clearing at least a small safe area around the ship.  the object would be to build up quickly and wipe out the creeper in the singularity before the timer runs out.
I dont see any way to build a singularity on the map editor.

Any ideas if this would be possible?


this is a CRPL question, since trying to do this without code will be nearly impossible.
so perhaps ask here
and hopefully a code monkey will point you in the correct direction!
hope that helps  8)
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


You'll definately need to use CRPL. There is alot of infromation on the wiki. You'll probably need to use EnableTowerField. You could just create a crpl core and set it's image to the singularity black hole image, then just add the field effect. You can also use SetText on the core to add a text above it to show a countdown.

Something like this might work (I have not tested this):

$time:9000 # 30 frames/sec * 60 seconds per minute * 5 minutes
$range:100 # range in cells
$creeperstrength:-100000000 # strength for creeper to get sucked in: need use really high numbers to see the effect
$anticreeperstrength:0 # strength for anti-creeper to get sucked in: need use really high numbers to see the effect
$decreasebyrange:TRUE # make the effect decrease by range - can be true or false
$delay:30 # delay the effect this many frames

EnableTowerField(<-range <-creeperstrength <-anticreeperstrength 0 <-decreasebyrange)
SetText(-50) # offsets text above core by 50 pixels

GetTimer1 ->time
if(<-time neq0)
SetText(<-time div(30.0) round(0))
Destroy(self 0) # removes core when no longer needed


There is a way to do this without CRPL if you only need a one time effect: CRPL would be far, far easier, but you could also generate a vast amount of aether, fire a singularity via a forge: then delete the force, totems, etc, and build the map around the soon to generate singularity.

It would be a neat feat simply due to how inconvenient it is compared to CRPL : P


Thanks everyone for your replies.  I used the code posted by Hubs.  Nice job for untested code. the only thing I needed to change was the decreasebyrange value (the system wanted an integer value, apparently 1=true, 0=false.  I got the map mostly working as I envisioned and uploaded it.

There is one more thing I cant seem to figure out... I want to "force land" the command module, so I selected it and clicked where I want it to land.  however, when you run the map, you can still hit cancel and put it elsewhere, or just wait.  any suggestions on how to limit modules, and get rid of the ability to cancel its deployment?



Once the CN touches ground, the user can no longer cancel its placement. So you can select to place it, wait the three seconds for it to land, then reset the timer and you're all set.


You can always limit the number of CNs in Unit Limits. It's at the very bottom.


Quote from: stdout on December 13, 2014, 09:17:27 AM
Once the CN touches ground, the user can no longer cancel its placement. So you can select to place it, wait the three seconds for it to land, then reset the timer and you're all set.

isn't it once the CN starts to drop? ???
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


Quote from: teknotiss on December 13, 2014, 03:16:19 PM
Quote from: stdout on December 13, 2014, 09:17:27 AM
Once the CN touches ground, the user can no longer cancel its placement. So you can select to place it, wait the three seconds for it to land, then reset the timer and you're all set.

isn't it once the CN starts to drop? ???


I've utilised that feature to force the player to accept my drop-point in my map 'The Bardel Redemption' in the Alpha Sector.
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.