Custom Map #1432: Nuhage N#33. By: Nuhages

Started by AutoPost, December 02, 2014, 01:08:57 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1432: Nuhage N#33

Author: Nuhages
Size: 128x84

Have Fun. Feel Free To rate and comment on forum.


I like that you continue a long grown series. You've managed to hit 33 and yet you continue.

Your motivation is great for it ^.^

Tips on making them better (I think this would make your maps more appealing.)

- Go for map textures! I can't picture a planet or a land without some textures!
- Make sure to provide everything (AC, totems, or even just packets of them!)
- Challenged maps make a medium download rate, a map for everyone, master or newbie maps get lots of downloads!
- Making a story line appeals to people. They are more imaginative, be careful though, the better the story line, the pickier people are about mistakes in it!
- Atleast have had to do that map once, unless you think it's perfect.
What's a pie? I'm not a pie. I'm a pi.


This wasn't too bad....

It really really needed some totems or at least some aether packs. It took me a while to finish only because it was all going in slow motion...



This map was design as a "slow mo" map. I wanted to try something new.

@iwishforpie 2

Thanks for the feed back.
I went realy lazy on my last maps when it's to build up a story line and /or adding a description.
It's really not what I like in mapping  ;D ;D ;D
Same bad argument when it comes to textures.... I went lazy.
I'll do better on those points for next maps.
I've played and finished every and each map I builded.
I made a dream ... was map making on CW4