Custom Map #1397: The Invasion of Normandy. By: stdout

Started by AutoPost, November 24, 2014, 03:19:01 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1397: The Invasion of Normandy

Author: stdout
Size: 150x150

It is in our best interests to ensure the victory of the Allied forces against the powerful Axis powers. We travel back in time to the ancient past, to a foreign planet called Earth, and a region the humans call "France". The Axis powers are prepared and expecting us, so taking this beach will not be easy. To help, we are preparing timetrooper reinforcements who will arrive soon to assist. Happy hunting! #PlayAsCreeper in this re-enactment based on the World War 2 invasion of Normandy. More info @ forum


Usually I put the help as an in game conversation text box, but this time I figure most people have seen it and know how to play these #PlayAsCreeper maps, so I took it out and will just post here for those who don't know.

In the game, press the letter H to learn about the tools at your disposal.

Click on a tool in the build bar at the bottom, then click on H and it'll tell you all about that specific tool. Have fun! And thanks to iwishforpie2 for the beachfront map idea.

Also new in this map, the emitter does not change size when you chain support to it. This way you won't end up with an emitter that is as large as half the map! So as always just pay attention to the text description above the emitter to know its output.


What's a pie? I'm not a pie. I'm a pi.


Spent about 3 hours making it. It was a fun one to make, actually. I built the water and beach first, then started adding enemies and play-tested it, then added more enemies and continued tweaking and playtesting until I was happy. Thanks for spurring me to make one. Maybe I won't wait so long before the next one. :)


A bit off topic, but I have a unit idea that you may want to make

A research center - you have to feed it packets to get tech (1 blaster tech, 1 bertha, all of that stuff)
What's a pie? I'm not a pie. I'm a pi.


First, love it! :)

Second, thanks for the smaller emitter size!

Third, okay I missed some guys all blew me out of the water in terms of time to beat that map.  I really struggled getting a foothold on the main beach.
Omnipotence doesn't mean the ability to do what is logically impossible. It's possible, therefore, for God to create beings with the kind of free will that can choose between good and evil, but he can't also force those creatures to choose good. If he forced their choice, it wouldn't be free.


Just hold off long enough for the reinforcements to arrive on the southwest position. Then support those emitters and make landfall down there, cutting their supply lines in half.


Quote from: stdout on November 24, 2014, 03:22:46 PM
Usually I put the help as an in game conversation text box, but this time I figure most people have seen it and know how to play these #PlayAsCreeper maps, so I took it out and will just post here for those who don't know.

In the game, press the letter H to learn about the tools at your disposal.

Click on a tool in the build bar at the bottom, then click on H and it'll tell you all about that specific tool. Have fun! And thanks to iwishforpie2 for the beachfront map idea.

Also new in this map, the emitter does not change size when you chain support to it. This way you won't end up with an emitter that is as large as half the map! So as always just pay attention to the text description above the emitter to know its output.

Hmm, I think there is one other new thing in this map: Bertha's don't auto-load when disconnected, are they just not custom bertha's? anyway I liked that particular thingie, as well as the 6(i think it were six) free emitters that just dropped down, I ust killed the reactors with the bottom emitters and it was gg :), thanks for making this map, I had a lot of fun playing it, also, it was a LOT easier than the other PAC maps, since the emitter frequency was set to 0.17 (!) , no complaints there though, no one said a PAC map is not allowed to be easy ^^ good job
"Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure."
― George Carlin


Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for saying so.

I fixed that Bertha bug a couple maps ago. I can't remember which one but I think Mallard System might have been it. With that fix, it now has to be connected to the network in order to fire. As soon as you disconnect it, it will take its last shot and that's it. :)


Loved it, Stdout - thanks so much. :)

Great surprise, those emitters, and thanks for the smaller size. :)


Great idea for a map, really enjoyed it but it could do with being a bit harder.

Once the emitters appear in the bottom left it's fairly easy to get up on the beach right next to the reactors which means game over. Some more mortars down in that area may balance it better.


i agree it was a bit easy, but perhaps it'll get more players into PAC maps?
i didn't really like the free emitters appearing, i'd have preferred some PZ's along the north and west borders to work towards.
but fun game non-the less, cheers dude! 8)
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


The free emitters were supposed to represent paratroopers dropping down to join the battle already in progress. So they aren't really "Free" because they were part of the story.

As for the ease, the germans were surprised during Normandy because they were expecting an attack from one front but it came from a different front. I was trying to replicate that concept here.


Quote from: stdout on November 25, 2014, 03:36:58 PM
The free emitters were supposed to represent paratroopers dropping down to join the battle already in progress. So they aren't really "Free" because they were part of the story.

As for the ease, the germans were surprised during Normandy because they were expecting an attack from one front but it came from a different front. I was trying to replicate that concept here.

no worries dude, it was a lot of fun, i was being a bit purist, and it was tactically accurate in that sense.
although the free emitters seemed more like the landing craft approaching the beach to me! ;)
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


Heh! We spent hours on this and hardly made a dent. What is your secret sauce for beating these PAC maps? I'm totally stumped.
Twas a sad day when we mothballed Creeper World for Particle Fleet.