Custom Map #1316: Scattered. By: Leonox

Started by AutoPost, November 03, 2014, 09:50:31 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1316: Scattered

Author: Leonox
Size: 250x250

My second map. Tell me what I can do to improve.


Bigger doesn't mean better.  I liked the starting area but I feel fighting through the "scatter" would be too tedious for enjoyment.  I always seem to enjoy maps that follow a simple risk->reward->risk->reward strategy.

I think if you cut the bottom half of your map off and left it wide, then put a creative challenge halfway between the start and finish that would reward even a simple power-zone, that would make your map much less tedious.  Also adding no-fly zones near your finish is a good way to stop quick finishes from players.

That's my two cents, I still had fun, thanks!
/\lways (oca(ola


Quote from: alfanugan on November 03, 2014, 11:52:50 PM
Bigger doesn't mean better.  I liked the starting area but I feel fighting through the "scatter" would be too tedious for enjoyment.  I always seem to enjoy maps that follow a simple risk->reward->risk->reward strategy.

I think if you cut the bottom half of your map off and left it wide, then put a creative challenge halfway between the start and finish that would reward even a simple power-zone, that would make your map much less tedious.  Also adding no-fly zones near your finish is a good way to stop quick finishes from players.

That's my two cents, I still had fun, thanks!

I agree with most of this - Too big, got a little tedious.

Since you actually asked for feedback, here comes some!

I'm not sure if it was deliberate, but I was able to pop a few early emitters by dropping CNs in open spots and putting the nullifier on high ground. Also, again, not sure if deliberate: those AC emitters in the base were uselessly low on output, much better to nullify and use the PZs for bombers/strafers. Just put some PZs instead next time?

I liked the idea of limited energy, with no extra collectors or generators. I'd like to see more maps use that, where I have to decide if I want to use those forge upgrades on still more energy or get that fire range/rate. It also eliminates one of my fallback tricks, which is to spam generators until I have more than enough energy for whatever I want to do.

The PZ'd beams made it so the "base" was essentially impenetrable, so there was never any real risk of losing, no matter how slow you start out. You can fill it with berthas and they'll do most of the work for you, with no risk/reward. I'd leave those PZs out, require the player to decide and think about beam placement.

The digi and runners were well done. Having a few key digi chokepoints makes for a good mid-game goal as you work toward the final inhibitor.

7/10. Don't feel the need to play again, but had fun the first time through. :)


I have to agree with the other commenters; despite the work that went into it, the map is mostly empty. That's kind of nice in a way as it means the extraneous information can blind a player to the most efficient strategy, but the map was still too linear. If I'd seen a corner with ten reactor techs in it, I'd have gone right for it so I could plop them down on PZs -- and that would have added ~three minutes to my completion time.

I liked the nullifiable AC emitters and relay PZ at the start, but the base was impregnable despite how hard it would have been to add defenses from inside the walls. It was a fun air power exercise, which I usually neglect, and needed practice with.

The endzone terrain was good. I don't like slogging up a pyramid to null every emitter/inhibitor. If I'm that close, it's just going to happen, and your map understands that instead of forcing me to turtle up with Berthas or drop a 3x3 of 100-AC Sprayers or whatnot.

About the missing siphons and shields: neither would have been all that useful on the map, and it's a kind thought to disable them and spare the player the trouble of trying, but to me this just means I have to fill in more blanks when I'm taking inventory at the start of the map.

The absent power buildings were a challenge I was reluctant to take -- options are interesting, and not having power buildings strips away many options [especially for zero, and none on the map to find] -- but the ample totems and ore made up for it, though not in a terribly interesting way. Having an ocean of AC at my disposal did make the terrain manageable, but with good balance.

The runners and digitalis were a concern, not a brick wall to hammer through. Couldn't have been much better there, except the runners all ran off from the Inhibitor, and the snipers I flew in were merely hilariously wasted energy. Snipping the digitalis in a few places and spreading out the runner nests a little could have made them more fun, but I'm more glad they weren't crammed into a tiny space just to turn my energy supply into a math puzzle between digitalis busters and mortars.

I'd give it a seven because it wasn't another tired slog, and difficulty isn't everything. It's an unexpectedly great air force/guppy power map.


I wasn't going to play this map because of the size (me no like no big maps) but after reading the comments I think its worth a shot  :)
Its a really good map for AC bombers and guppies
I ended up killing the Inhibitor with a PZ-guppy, 3 PZ Bertha's and a whole bunch of bombers to keep the nullifier alive.
Good job making this map, but maybe make the next one a bit smaller with a more challenging start (not as much prebuilt/ not as much free PZ's)
I'd give it a 7.5
"Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure."
― George Carlin


Great map, the reactor is disabled and the ore is limited to the base, while the beams prevent phantoms from getting to the base, the limited energy prevents mass building and quick takeover, but the inhibitor is unprotected.