Custom Map #1239: stick. By: aanze1313

Started by AutoPost, October 08, 2014, 08:21:56 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1239: stick

Author: aanze1313
Size: 255x20



good map, i like it really focuses on pushing on.... has a bit of a rough start then its pretty much a piece of cake...


It was a good push. The start isn't so rough if you're really good at getting the energy going quickly.

A few collectors, a reactor, one mortar to hold back the creeper, as many reactors as you can fit in before you have to build about 4 beams before the first spore wave hits, save room for the forge and fill the base up with reactors.. saving the front row for weapons to start the initial push. Disarm the first few weapons (except that one mortar) as you build them so they don't fire until you're ready to go. Use the PZ's for nullifiers where you can defend the spot and they can take out multiple emitters. Once you've pushed forward enough, reactors and berthas in the back PZ's will speed up the push. Once that AET goes down, strafers can be built in extra PZ's. One beam somewhat near the front line in a PZ keeps the spores from being an issue. Push, push, push!
"Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named 'Enterprise.'" -William T. Riker

Loren Pechtel

Amazing how much bertha fire that inhibitor simply shrugs off! :)

Starting energy is tricky, otherwise it's just keep marching on.