Custom Map #1011: Saving Humanity Pt 3 Beta 2.0. By: HiggsBoson12

Started by AutoPost, August 08, 2014, 01:07:18 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1011: Saving Humanity Pt 3 Beta 2.0

Author: HiggsBoson12
Size: 256x256

Official news! I'm an idiot! I managed to create this version with updated scripting, then delete the editable version of the map. The final version will look a little different, but it will have complete scripting and be rebalanced. However, this version finally has the units in the lower right partially implemented. The map is a little too unbalanced, but that will be fixed. P.S. I did run into some lag, so really old computers like mine will have minor problems.


You can download this map, open it in the editor and extract all the scripts, etc. from it.

Please stop uploading beta copies of your maps.

This is not where you get to upload partially-completed maps.

If your maps get enough reports/complaints, they will be auto-removed from Colonial Space.