Custom Map #884: Hydra (undone). By: Dimava

Started by AutoPost, July 20, 2014, 03:02:01 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #884: Hydra (undone)

Author: Dimava
Size: 133x99

A test CRPL map, filled with creeper. Initally have a single strong emitter that burst 2000 creeper per second. When destroyed, it breaks to 2 800cps* emittters and fills map with creeper as in the beginning. If you have any ideas how to use emitters or recommendations, you can suggest them in forum. *cps: creeper per second.


What is it again that you are "testing"?
There is developer forums where others will help you learn the effects of your concepts, but you might reconsider submitting this kind of game for the rest of us to play.
There just wasn't a whole lot of fun in attacking for 10 minutes, killing the Emitter, and having everything I had built disappear.