Custom Map #883: CRPL experiments. By: kon

Started by AutoPost, July 20, 2014, 01:17:13 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #883: CRPL experiments

Author: kon
Size: 128x84

Challenging, tricky but not hard (diff: medium). With totem, that dis/enables creeper emitter using AC technology. No ore, but there's a lot of AC producted. With long opening text telling important informations about map. Please click [forums] button and write a review! Thanks for playing/dnloading this map :) Have fun, enjoy playing this map! kon #CRPL #NoSpores #NoSpore #NoDigitalis #RedCreeper #kon


WEnt in, destroyed all emitters, collected shield keys, game not won, 90% on totem left. Confused. ???

Left running in background, 72 minutes later totem at 44% and nothing happened.


Quote from: Vanguard on July 20, 2014, 03:45:25 PM
WEnt in, destroyed all emitters, collected shield keys, game not won, 90% on totem left. Confused. ???

Left running in background, 72 minutes later totem at 44% and nothing happened.

nullify the totem to win.
"Mom, why would I do drugs when I have video games?"


Really confused here. If I land a CN adjacent to the "totem" it charges up from 99% to 100%. The main emitter rapidly oscillates between red/white creeper/AC? but too fast to build an emitter. Nothing else can connect to the totem. Can't fly a guppy there. What am I missing? the 1,000-cost relays might be a clue, but then, I'm still clueless.


Use Thors to bridge to area with emitters, totem, and keys.  Nullify everything.


So no puzzle, no effects from the "totem" thingy? I can't connect to it with anything, not even with thos hyper-expensive relays. :( Color me disappointed.