Custom Map #701: Nuhage N#4. By: Nuhages

Started by AutoPost, June 24, 2014, 03:16:05 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #701: Nuhage N#4

Author: Nuhages
Size: 128x128

Not to hard Round World. Thanks to CRPL coders on the wiki. All credit to them for all CRPL on this map. Have fun. Feel free to rate an comment on Forum.


CRPL Credits:
Circular move pattern :by J
Increase output emmiter: by albrittbrat
Circular terrain: by VirgilW # Modified by Clean0nion

Thank to them and the wiki.

Have fun.
I made a dream ... was map making on CW4



I played it again and had a surprise the 2 emitters were not were there were supposed to be (north and south from spore tower).

I made a dream ... was map making on CW4


Great map! Really easy,too. :D

Here's my assault:
1: Land a CN west from the center.
2:Build a tiny collector network, then wait for the emitters to come around.
3:Start building a nullifier from there. Don't forget a beam for the spores.
4Once the nullifier starts firing, build a mortar.
5:Build a pulse cannon for the thinner creeper. Build a couple of reactors and build the collector network out some more.
6:Once there's enough space, build a nullifier on one of the PZ's and watch it destroy the spore tower.

Is it a simple map ??? Not exactly. CRPL usually makes the map more complicated. Easy ??? Yes.
Considering how many turns my life has taken (good and bad), I'm still fairly neutral to it all. I take the hits, I don't react overly.