Custom Map #2653: Survival Zone

Started by AutoPost, May 18, 2014, 08:01:04 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2653: Survival Zone

Author: Blogeas



This map lagged really badly for me, wasn't playable.


I must have missed something. What was the point?


Dig packets can grind older computers to a halt. This game doesn't exactly demand hard core hardware so there are a lot of 'casual' gamers with older comps playing it. The other thing that lags people is having more than 100 bad guys or phantoms on the screen at once.

Unless you have a compelling reason you should limit dig packets to ONE for every 30 frames (1 per second), and keep bad guys and phantoms to less than 100 total.

Other than that, it was an interesting speed run map. At least SOMEONE is making new maps. Keep up the good work.